Chapter 26

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Tanner's POV:

I had a hard time falling asleep last night. I kept replaying the conversation I had with Olivia on the beach. I woke up this morning in a bad mood, and was happy Dalton decided to stay at Mia's. I left everything up to Olivia last night when it comes to our relationship with each other. I told her how I felt, and I basically put everything out on the table for her. I know she's really worried about telling Dalton about us, but it's an obstacle we have to overcome if we want to be together. I know I needed to get out of the apartment, and get my mind off of things. I texted Bloom, and asked if he would meet me at the gym. He agreed, so I started getting ready. I got to the gym, and we started working out. I was about halfway through my set, and I had to ask him to spot me for my next lift. He walked over as I positioned myself on the bench. "I'll spot you after you tell me what's bothering you." Bloomer said when he got closer to me. I sat up on the bench, and looked at him. "Nothing's wrong with me Bloom. I'm totally fine." He rolled his eyes. "I know you're not Tanner, so tell me what's going on." I sighed, and explained everything from last night to him. "That's rough Tanner. I'm sure you guys will work everything out. I would say to give it some time. Maybe give her some space too. She probably needs time to figure things out." I nodded my head in agreement, and then laid back down on the bench to lift. Bloomer and I finished at the gym, and I went back to my apartment. I noticed Dalton's truck was here, so he was obviously home. I still wasn't in the best mood, and I knew Dalt would be asking about it. 

I went into our apartment, and Dalton was sitting on the couch. "Hey Tanner, what's up?" I walked over to my room. "Hey Dalt, nothing really. I went to the gym with Bloom. I'm not feeling the greatest, so I'm going to stay in my room today." I heard Dalton yell "okay" as I was walking into my room. I groaned as I shut the door behind me and went to shower. After my shower I laid in bed and stayed there the rest of the day. 

Olivia's POV:

I was woken up the next morning by hearing Sav opening my bedroom door. I slowly sat up, and rubbed my eyes. They were hurting, probably due to how much I was crying last night. "Hey, I brought you some food." Sav said as she walked over to me with a tray of food. I slightly smiled, and took the tray from her. "Thanks Sav. I needed this." She left the room and came back with her breakfast. We sat on my bed and started eating. I finished eating first, and put my tray on my nightstand.

 I looked at Sav, and sighed. "I have to tell you what happened last night." Sav was still eating as I explained everything that happened between me and Tanner. I started to tear up a little bit again when I was talking to Sav. "Oh Liv, I'm so sorry that happened last night. I can see both of your points. I know you probably want me to agree with you, but I have to agree with both of you. I can understand where Tanner's coming from, and where you're coming from. He really likes you Liv, and all he wants is to be with you. I think you're going to have to tell Dalton about the two of you. I know you're scared to do it, but you can't lose Tanner. I've seen you change for the better ever since you started developing feelings for him. This season is the happiest I've seen you. It's all due to Tanner, and how he makes you feel. I know you're worried about the Dalton thing, but why not see what happens? What are your thoughts about it?" I sighed, and started messing with my fingers. I hesitated for a few minutes, trying to gather my thoughts. "Unfortunately I think you're right Sav. I know I have to talk to Dalton, but I'm so worried about his reaction. I can't lose him, but I can't lose Tanner either. He does make me really happy, and I want to be with him. Do you think I messed everything up now? What if Tanner doesn't want to be with me anymore?" I watched Sav roll her eyes, and then look at me. "Olivia, you're crazy if you think Tanner doesn't want to be with you anymore. He obviously likes you so much, he probably actually loves you." I felt myself start to blush, and turned my head away from Sav. "I have to work myself up to talk to Dalton. I can't go and do it tomorrow or anything. I need you to help me figure out exactly what to say to him. Maybe I'll do it by the end of the week." Sav gave me a smile, and put her hands on top of mine. "Of course I'll help you Liv. I think you should definitely talk to Dalton before you guys perform on Saturday. I would say do it whenever you feel comfortable enough to talk to him about it." I reached over, and gave Sav a hug. We stayed like that for a few minutes. We both let go, and Sav encouraged me to get ready for the day. We didn't have to go to the stadium today, so we decided to stay at our apartment and pack for Kentucky. 

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