Chapter 6

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Olivia's POV:

It's the last full week of February, and a week since we had the scare with Dalton. The first Savannah Banana's home game would be on March 3rd. This weekend is the last free weekend everyone will have before Banana Ball starts. Jesse was nice enough to give everyone the weekend off so we could make plans if we wanted too. Today was Friday, so we had to still go to work, then the fun could begin after. Savanah and I got ready and left for the stadium. When we got there, we headed up to the booth for a creative team meeting. Our meeting felt like it lasted an eternity. We had to come up with more ideas for the first home game. We looked all over social media, and even tried to create our own dances to have the guys do. Eventually, we had some good ideas to pitch on Monday. When the meeting was over, the girls and I were so tired we stayed up in the booth.

Since we were up in one of the booths, we could look out and watch the guys practice. While we were watching the guys practice, one of the new interns, Mia said "God, they're all so hot." I don't think she meant to say that out loud because we all turned to look at her and laughed. Sav nudged me. "That's funny, Liv didn't you say something similar a couple weeks ago?" Now my face was red. "Sav all I said was that the coaches knew what they were doing when they picked these guys for their baseball skills. Lucky for us they just so happen to be hot as well." Now all the girls in the booth were laughing. Brenna, who worked for the Bananas last year with Sav and I spoke up. "I have an idea, lets go through all the guys and say if they're single or not. I need some excitement in my life, and I don't want to try to talk to someone who has a girlfriend." This should be fairly easy since me, Sav, and Brenna know most of the guys minus the new ones from last season. We already know if they have girlfriends or not. "Most of the guys do have girlfriends, so it would be easier to just name the ones who don't." Sav said as she looked around the room at me and the other girls. "That makes the most sense. Let's start with the Banana's." Brenna suggested and we all agreed. We decided to make a list in Brenna's note app on her phone.

Banana Land Bachelor's:

Banana's: Jackson, Ryan, Jared (Donny), Dalton, and Vinny  

Party Animals: Chase, Drew, Joe, Jake L, Zach, Tanner, and Collin.

I laughed at what Brenna named the note. "We never agreed on that note name, you just typed it in. I wanted to add that Collin may not be single much longer." My eyes darted to Sav. I wasn't going to let any of the other girls even think they have a chance with Collin. I was still working hard to get him and Sav together. "That's fine" Mia said. "I don't like Collin anyways, I think Dalton's really cute. I love the fact that he can sing." Sav and I busted out laughing making Mia think we were laughing at her. "What, did I say something wrong? You don't like him do you Liv? I see you with him all the time." Sav and I laughed even harder to the point I was buckling over. "Ew no, he's actually my cousin. You can have him." Mia's face turned extremely red. She must not have known we were cousins. "Mia, I didn't know that you had no idea we were cousins. If you think he's cute then I say go for it. Why not? The worst that can happen is him not liking you back, but you never know." She had a smile on her face now. "Really? It wouldn't be weird for you?" I gave her a look. "No, why would it be weird? I want him to find someone who makes him happy, and if that's you then so be it."

The girls and I were so focused on our conversation that we didn't notice the guys motioning down to us until my phone rang. It was Dalton calling from down on the field. I answered and put him on speaker. "Hey Dalt, what's up?" "Oh nothing Liv we're all just down here practicing hearing EVERYTHING you girls have been saying up in the booth. Did someone leave a mic on or something?" My face dropped and I turned to the girls who had the same expression as me. We looked around the room and saw the microphone placed on the table. It wasn't there during our meeting, so someone must've put it there afterwards. I knew exactly who would do something like that. "NOAH!" I screamed in the room, knowing he would hear it down on the field. I searched for the little sh*t until I saw him running over towards Dalton. "Oh hey Liv, something wrong? Don't you want to talk about how the coaches do a good job of picking hot guys when they go to recruit for the team? GOTCHAAAA" Him and Dalton were laughing so hard they were laying on the field. "Noah I swear to god I'm coming down there right now to kill you, and bury you out in right field. It's one thing to mess with me, but not the other girls. They didn't do anything, and aren't in our little scheme to mess with each other. You need to apologize to them right now before I walk down there and make you myself."

9 Innings of Love: A Savannah Banana's and Party Animals Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now