Chapter 18

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Olivia's POV:

The blaring sound of Savanah's alarm woke me up the next morning. I groaned, and rolled over in my bed. "Sav, it's literally the weekend. The game today isn't until 5. Why are you getting up so early?" I could hear Sav get out of bed, and start to walk around the hotel room. "Collin and I are going to breakfast this morning. You're welcome to join us if you want." I rolled over, and checked my phone. It was 7, too early for me. "No thanks, I don't feel like getting up right now." "Okay, no problem. I'm going to get ready and then leave." Sav said as she walked into the bathroom. I tried falling back asleep, but it was useless. I kept replaying the events of yesterday in my head over and over again. I was proud of myself for singing the national anthem. I never thought I would be able to get over my fear of singing in front of people. My mind then wandered and I started thinking about what happened between me and Tanner. I'm glad he was there to help me with my panic attack. He didn't really know what to do, but he was quick on his feet and kissed me to try to help. I'm still surprised that it worked. I didn't mind the kisses either, thinking back. He was sweet about it, making sure I was okay afterwards. I sat up in my bed, and when I did I felt the charm on my necklace come from the back of my neck to the front. That's something else I had to think about. Tanner didn't have to get me a new necklace. He found the old one at the stadium, and took it upon himself to get me a new one. Any other guy probably would've just given me the broken necklace back. Not Tanner though. I wonder how he found a new necklace in the first place. I'd have to ask him about it another time.

Apparently I was zoned out again when Sav came walking out of the bathroom. "Liv, are you good? You said you were going back to sleep. You're currently staring at the wall." I started blinking, looking at Savanah. I knew I was going to have to tell her about yesterday eventually. I guess now is the time. I sighed, looking up at Sav. I patted the spot on the bed beside me, and she walked over. I waited until she sat down, and took a deep breath. "Some stuff happened yesterday that I have to tell you about. I need you to promise me you won't freak out." Sav looked at me concerned. "Okay, I promise." I told her the events of yesterday. When I finished, I looked at her again. She had a shocked expression on her face. "YOU AND TANNER KISSED? NOT ONLY ONCE BUT TWICE?" I put my hand over her mouth. "SHHH SAVANAH! You literally said yesterday about how thin these walls are!" I removed my hand from her mouth, and waited for her response. "Sorry Liv. I just got really excited. Collin and I have been talking about when this would happen." She made a face after she finished, like she just said something she shouldn't have. "Savanah, what do you mean you've been talking to Collin about me and Tanner?"

She put up her hands. "Liv, I wasn't the one who brought it up. Collin mentioned it a couple weeks ago. I've been trying to avoid the conversation anytime he brings it up. You can't tell me you don't have more feelings for Tanner than before since you guys kissed yesterday." I was still looking at Sav, and was trying to be mad at her but it was hard. "I see you trying not to smile Liv." I turned my head away from her. "I have no idea what you're talking about." She started to laugh, and I turned my head back. "Okay, fine. Yes I liked kissing Tanner. I think I'm starting to have more feelings for him now. Can you blame me though? He's been really sweet towards me lately." Savanah shook her head. "Yeah he has, everything with his nieces, being there for you with the Kevin situation, getting you a new necklace, and helping you with your panic attack. I don't blame you for how you're feeling." I started picking at my fingers. "I'm just worried about what might happen. I usually think of anything that could go wrong. I have to worry about Dalton too." Sav put a hand on mine. "Olivia, you can't live your life constantly worrying. Just see where this all goes with Tanner. You both obviously like each other. Dalton's a whole other thing. If he loves you and Tanner, which we both know he does. Then he'll be fine if you guys start to date or something. If not, then I'm sure he'll come around eventually. Just take everything day by day, and see what happens." Talking to Savanah usually always makes me feel better. "You're right Sav. I can't worry about things that are in the future. Whatever happens happens." I gave her a hug, and she continued getting ready for her date with Collin.

9 Innings of Love: A Savannah Banana's and Party Animals Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now