Chapter 15

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Olivia's POV:

Today is Wednesday, so it's been about a week since the Kevin situation. The guys and Sav are still keeping an eye on me at all times, especially when we go out. I don't mind, it still makes me feel safe. We're all at the field now, prepping for this weekend's games. I had just gotten out of my one meeting when I noticed I missed a call. The person who called left a voicemail, so I listened to it. The call was from Chief Matthews, who I spoke with last Friday night. He called to let me know I have a court hearing next Thursday to get the judge to approve my restraining order against Kevin. I decided to call him back, so he could give me more information. He told me when and where the hearing will be, and suggested I get a lawyer to represent me. I was concerned when he said about a lawyer since I didn't know any in Savannah. He must've been able to tell that over the phone, so he suggested some of the best lawyers he knows. I continued to talk to him for another 10 minutes before we ended the call.

I started walking down to the field, and my head felt heavy with all this new information I was given. It was either that, or the fact I knew I would have to see Kevin at the hearing. I made it down to the ground level of the stadium when I saw Sav running towards me. I was worried something was happening. She kept running until she got close to me. She was out of breath, so she held up her finger so she had a second. "Liv, I've been looking all over for you. I went up to the booths to walk with you after your meeting, but you weren't there. Dalton will kill me if he knows I let you walk around by yourself even for a minute. Wait, you look like something is wrong? Are you alright Liv?" I took a deep breath, and started to explain to Sav exactly what Chief Matthews had just told me. "Oh, I see. That's a lot to take in. You're probably worried about seeing Kevin again aren't you?" I shook my head and started to cry a little. Sav reached out and hugged me. "It's okay Liv, you have every right to be scared. How about I take the day off with you so I can go? Maybe you can ask Dalton to take off too. That way you'll have both of us there to support you and keep you safe." Savanah has always been quick on her feet when it came to stuff like this. I sniffled, and pulled away from her. "I really like that idea. Are you sure you don't mind taking next Thursday off for me?" She looked at me and smiled. "Of course I don't mind Olivia. You're my best friend, and you need me. I'm obviously going to be there for you. I know you'd do the exact same thing for me. Let's get you cleaned up, and head down to the field. I think the guys have a break soon, so you can ask Dalton about going with us then. I'm sure we both already know the answer already."

We went to the bathroom, and then down to the field. Sav was right, the guys were taking a 20 minute break. Dalton was over with some of the guys filming a Tik Tok. I walked over to the group. "Hey Liv. Do you want to be in this Tik Tok we're making?" DR had asked when I got close to the guys. "No thanks. I came over because I need to talk to Dalton." He immediately came over after I mentioned having to talk to him. We started walking up the stadium seats until we found a spot to sit in the shade. "So, what's up Liv?" I explained again the conversation I had with Chief Matthews. "I was wondering if you'd be able to come with me to the hearing? Sav already said she would, but I really want you to be there. I know you'll keep me safe. I was also hoping you'd testify since you're a witness." Dalton instantly responded after I asked that question. "Yes, I'll definitely come with you on Thursday. You know I'll do anything I can to keep that di**head away from you." "Perfect, thank you so much Dalt. I love you." We stood up and hugged. Dalton had to get back to the field so we said our goodbyes and I went to find Savanah.

We continued with our meetings and prep work the rest of the day. Before we left I found Jesse and asked if Me, Sav, and Dalton could all have the day off next Thursday for my court hearing. Jesse has known about the Kevin situation since last Saturday. It wasn't something I wanted to hide from him or his wife Emily. He was fine with letting the three of us miss work since it was just a practice before the game on Friday. I thanked him, and texted Dalton to let him know.

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