Chapter 21

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Tanner's POV:

I sat on the couch while waiting for Dalton to finish packing. "Hurry up Dalt, we have to leave for the stadium soon." I called from the living room. I was scrolling through my phone, checking on when some things I needed for my first date with Liv. I checked the tracking, and saw the packages would arrive at Grayson Stadium next Wednesday. I would've shipped the boxes to my apartment, but then Dalton would've found out. I was still on my phone when Dalt came out of his room with his bags. He dropped them on the ground, causing me to jump. "Alright, I'm ready. Let's go." We put our things in my Jeep, and drove to the stadium. Today was Wednesday, so we had to fly out to California for our games on Thursday and Friday. We arrived at the stadium, and put our things on the bus. I didn't want to get on the bus yet, so I stayed outside waiting for everyone else to arrive. While I was standing around talking I saw Sav and Liv walking over to the buses. They were both talking to each other, but then Liv glanced my way. I flashed her a smile, and a wave which she returned. Afterwards, she looked at Sav and they both started giggling to each other. Must be a girl thing or something. Everyone was finally ready to leave, so I got on the bus.

The bus I was on was mostly Party Animal players, with a few Bananas. I already picked my seat towards the back of the bus, so I started walking back that way. I had some of my teammates in front and behind me seat wise. I made it back to my seat, and saw Bloomer was sitting across from me. He gave me a look when I sat down before leaning over across the aisle. "I saw you smiling and waving to your little girlfriend. How's everything going with that by the way?" Although he asked quietly, Sam and Bret could hear him loud enough to turn around since they sat in front of us. "Not to be nosy or anything, but I'm interested in hearing this too." Sam said as he moved over to sit in the seat near the aisle. "I don't care if you guys think I'm being noisy or not. I'm invested in this." Bret said as he leaned over the seat and laughed.

I groaned as I turned to Bloomer. "Now why would you say something about Liv and I on a bus where we're all close to each other?" I hit him on his shoulder. "Dude it's fine, everyone can see how much you stare and drool over Liv. I even catch her staring at you sometimes too." Bret and Sam agreed. I felt my face start to get red. "Wait she stares at me sometimes? I had no idea." The guys all laughed. "Yeah obviously you didn't. It's mostly when you aren't paying attention like during games and practices. Anyways, tell us what's been going on between you two." Sam said as the guys all leaned in closer. I grabbed my phone to check the bus list to make sure she or Dalton weren't on the same bus as us. "Alright, I'm going to talk quietly so nobody else hears us." I explained what happened on Sunday night, and what I had planned for our first date. When I finished, Bloomer gave me a high five. "I'm so glad you're finally making things happen with Liv. I hope everything works out for you guys." Sam and Bret agreed. Before we knew it, we were at the airport.

Everyone was sitting and waiting until we could start boarding for our flight. I started to get tired, and decided to walk around some of the shops that were near our gate. I was walking through the one store, when Savanah came out of nowhere and scared me. "Oh hey Savanah. What's up?" "Hi, Collin and I want to help you with your date with Liv." I looked around to see if anyone from the organization was around. I pulled Sav out of the store we were in, and we went around the corner. "I knew Liv was going to tell you about me asking her out on a date. I wasn't expecting you to tell Collin." She gave me a look. "Tanner, Collin and I have been hoping you two would get together since the beginning of the season. Now that it might actually be happening, we want to help." "It would be smart to have you help with this since you're her best friend. Let me tell you what I have planned." I explained my plan to Sav, and then waited for her response. "I think she's going to absolutely love what you have planned Tanner. Is there anything I can help with?" "Yeah I have some packages coming to the stadium with the things I need for the date. If you see those come in can you make sure Liv and Dalton don't see them?" Sav shook her head. "I can do that. If there's anything else you need just let me know." We left where we were standing, and headed back towards our gate.

9 Innings of Love: A Savannah Banana's and Party Animals Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now