Chapter 5

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*Remember, I am NOT following the actual 2023 Season Calendar*

Olivia's POV:

It's February 17th, which means we're about halfway through February now. Everyone seems to be getting the flow of Banana Land down pretty well. All the guys are doing great on the field during the practices and scrimmages they have against each other. Everything behind the scenes is going well too. The creative team has lots of ideas for the players and fans to do. The guys are also coming up with ideas too. Everything is all coming together. Savanah had to leave early from work today because she had a doctor's appointment. I told her I would just ask Dalton to give me a ride home today. I actually forgot to ask, so I decided to text him when I had a quick break.

From Olivia: Hey, can you please take me home today after work? Sav has to leave early for a doctor's appointment, so I don't have a ride.

From Dalton: Yeah, no problem.

When I finished my work for the day, I got my things together. I started walking towards the locker rooms to wait for Dalton. I waited for about five minutes before Dalt came out from around the corner. "Oh hey Liv, you weren't waiting long were you?" He asked as he walked towards me. "Hey Dalt, no just a couple minutes. I'm not in a rush or anything though so you're fine." I started walking towards the parking lot when I noticed Dalton was still standing at the end of the hall. "Are you coming?" He looked up from his phone. "Oh yeah, we have to wait for Tanner. We try to drive together to help save money on gas. Is that okay with you?" I started to walk back towards him. "Yeah that's fine, like I said I'm not in a rush." I was getting hungry though and a little tired. "Okay, I just texted him. He said he'll be out in five. By the way, how are things going between you two? I know you guys talked the entire time we were walking around the stadium on the first day. You looked nice by the way, in case I forgot to tell you. It was different not seeing you in your typical shorts and oversized t shirts." I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not. I'm just going to let that one slide for right now. "Things are good so far between me and Tanner. I'm just doing what you asked, being nice until half way through the season." I looked up at him from my phone. "Liv that's not what I said and you know it. I told you I wanted you to try to get to know him better this season. Then if you still don't like him at the halfway point of the tour fine." I hate when he's right, I won't ever admit to him when he is though. "Okay, fine. Can't you just be happy we're getting along right now?" "Yes, I am happy that my best friend and cousin are getting along. Now be quiet, I think I hear Tanner coming."

Tanner rounded the corner like Dalton did and was a little surprised to see me. "Oh, hey Liv what's up?" I looked from Dalton to Tanner to try to not make it obvious we were just talking about him. "Hi Tanner, nothing much. Sav was my ride this morning but she had a doctors appointment. I asked Dalton if he could bring me home." We started walking towards the exit of the stadium. "Cool, so you're coming to get some dinner with us?" Tanner asked as I looked at Dalton. "Well Dalton didn't tell me you guys were going to get dinner. I don't want to intrude on your guy time. You guys can just drop me off first at my place and then go." Dalton turned to me. "No, you should come, let's all three hangout." I thought about it for a minute, but then my stomach started rumbling. "Okay well it depends on where you guys are going because I'm not eating Sushi or Chinese." They both looked at each other and laughed. "You're such a sissy." Dalton said looking at me. "No, I'm not. That type of food just freaks me out. I don't know how you guys eat it." I said hitting Dalt on the arm. "What about Olive Garden?" Tanner suggested to try to break up the argument between me and Dalton. "Oh god, you've done it now dude." Dalton said turning to Tanner who had a confused look on his face. "What? All I did was make a suggestion." My eyes got wide for what he suggested. "I literally LOVE Olive Garden. The bread sticks, the salad, the pasta, and my most favorite part of all are the little candies that they give you at the end of your meal. I literally ask before I leave for one if they forget to give me any. I think someone told me before that they're called Andes Candies." The guys were both laughing now. "See, I told you Tanner. She's obsessed over Olive Garden." "Well it looks like we definitely have to go there now." Tanner said, still laughing while looking at me.

9 Innings of Love: A Savannah Banana's and Party Animals Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now