Chapter 17

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Olivia's POV:

It's been a few weeks since we had the game that Tanner's family came to. We're all sitting in the airport now, waiting for our flight to Salt Lake City, Utah. It was about 4:30 in the morning, and everyone was asleep in the airport except for me and a few others. I could never sleep in the airport, or on a plane. I would doze off for a few minutes, but that would be it. I glanced around at the other players and staff to see who was asleep and awake. As I was looking around, I didn't notice someone coming up behind me and tap me on the shoulder. I jumped because I wasn't expecting it, and turned around to see Dalton. "Geez Dalt, you nearly gave me a heart attack. I thought you were over there in that pile of sleeping players." I gestured over to Vinny, Noah, and DR who were all sleeping on the airport ground. Dalton laughed. "I was asleep over there with the guys, but I woke up and now I can't go back to sleep. Do you want to walk around the airport with me for a little? We still have another hour until our flight." That's the only thing I hated about traveling with a big group. We have to get to the airport super early to make sure everyone has enough time to check in our bags, and make it through security. "Yeah, I can. I know I'm not going to sleep anyways, so I might as well get up and move." Dalton and I started making our way around the airport.

Being that we travel with the Bananas so much, we know the Georgia airport really well. We stopped at McDonald's to get some breakfast. While we were eating, we talked about the season so far, and Dalton's progress. "So Liv." Dalton started while I was taking a bite of my sandwich. God only knows what's about to come out of this boy's mouth. I didn't say anything, and he continued again. "We're only about a month and a half away from the halfway point of the season. How's everything been between you and Tanner?" I didn't think he would be wanting to talk to me about this. I almost choked on my food. I finished what was in my mouth, and then took a sip of my drink. I wanted to think of what to say before I said anything to Dalton. I don't even know what to say. I can't be like Oh yeah Dalt, Tanner and I are getting along so great. You know we actually almost kissed the other night. Another thing, I'm starting to have feelings for your best friend. How does that make you feel? Yeah, definitely things I can't say to him now, or maybe even ever. "Um, things are going good so far. He hasn't been annoying me as much as last season." I took another bite of my food, hoping he would end the questioning there. "Cool, that's what Tanner said about you too when I asked him. He said he's having fun hanging out with you and stuff. He told me everything about you interacting with his nieces as well." I felt my heart drop. What did Dalton mean by everything? I'm sure Tanner can't be stupid enough to tell Dalton that we almost kissed each other right? Maybe if I bring up some stuff from that night he'll mention if Tanner said anything about the almost kiss. "Oh yeah, we all had fun watching the movie before bed, and making breakfast in the morning. His nieces are sweet." I looked up at Dalton, waiting to hear his response. "That's what Tanner was saying too. I'm glad you guys are getting along. Looks like something good will come out of our deal that we made." I honestly forgot about the deal since we made it at the end of January. With everything that's been going on, it seems pretty acceptable to focus on the most important things. I had to play it off with Dalton, like I actually did remember. "Yep, I guess you were right again. Don't let your head get too big okay?" Dalton started laughing. We sat at McDonald's a little longer, then walked back to the rest of the group. We boarded the plane, and before we knew it we were in Utah.

When we arrived it was about 5pm. Everyone was exhausted from being in the airport all day with our long layover. We all decided to just order some pizzas to the hotel. Everyone sat in the lobby eating and hanging out. I went back to mine and Sav's room around 8:30 because of how tired I was. As soon as I got back to our room, I quickly did my night routine and then fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning, and noticed Sav wasn't in the room with me. I checked her location, and saw that she was at the hotel. She probably woke up early, and was in the lobby getting breakfast. I got ready, and went down to see if she was in the lobby. I looked all around for her, but still couldn't find her. My phone still said she was in the hotel. I was determined to find her, so I went back to our room to check there again. I unlocked our door, and stepped into our room. "Sav?" I yelled, hoping she was in the bathroom or something since she wasn't on the beds. "Yeah Liv?" I heard Sav yell from the bathroom. She then started using the hair dryer, so I guess she wasn't ready after all. I stood outside of the bathroom door, and started to talk to her. "Sav you scared me. I didn't know where you were. I've been looking all over the hotel for you. Where were you?" She opened the door while still doing her hair. She wouldn't look at me, so I knew something was up. "Oh I accidentally fell asleep in the lobby last night. Then I couldn't find my room key, so I stayed with Brenna since she had an extra bed." I crossed my arms, and stared at her until she turned to look at me. "You know I don't believe you right? I kept my volume up on my phone when I got back here last night in case you needed me. All you had to do was call. I have a feeling you're lying." Sav quickly looked away from me, which confirmed she wasn't telling me everything. Things started to click in my head when I noticed she was wearing a t-shirt that was really big on her, and wasn't hers to begin with. "Did you stay with Collin last night?" I blurted it out, and Sav immediately turned towards me with wide eyes. "Omg Liv, not so loud okay? You know how thin these walls can be sometimes." She let out a sigh, and then started doing her hair again. "Sorry Sav, but why didn't you just tell me in the first place?" Still looking in the mirror, she responded. "I didn't want you to think differently of me. I know you're my best friend and everything, but I was just worried."

9 Innings of Love: A Savannah Banana's and Party Animals Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now