Chapter 25

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Olivia's POV:

It was Friday night before we knew it. The Party Animals won the game last night, and were now ahead of the Bananas in the current game. I was currently at the Party Animals dugout watching the game. The Bananas were up to bat, and I waited to see Dalton hit. As I was waiting, I saw Garett walk over towards me. "Hey G, what's up?" "Hey Liv, nothing's up with me. I saw you standing over here so I figured I'd come over and talk to you. I feel like we haven't caught up in a while." I turned to him as he got closer. "You're right about that. I feel the same way." I turned back to see Dalton on deck. "So, how's things been with Madison?" I turned back to Garett, and saw his face start to get red. "She's good, we're good." "Oh yeah, what's this we you're talking about?" Garett's face continued to get red. "You know what I mean Liv. We've been dating for a few weeks now." I playfully hit him on his arm. "I know, I like to mess with you." I started to laugh until Garett returned the question. "Well if that's how you're going to be, how are things with you and Tanner?" I stopped laughing and shot him a look. "I knew you were going to say something like that." Garett started chuckling to himself. "Tanner and I are good. We've been on a few dates and stuff. We both obviously like each other, and he makes me really happy." Garett smiled, and looked at me. "I'm glad Liv, seeing you happy makes me happy." I reached out and gave him a hug. "Thanks Garett." I let go of him, and turned to watch Dalton bat.

The game ended with another Party Animals win. Everyone went to the plaza party as the creative team cleaned up all of our supplies. Once that was done, Sav and I hung out at the plaza party for a little until we got tired. We packed our things and were on the way home when I got a text from Dalton.

From Dalton: Plans are to go to Saddlebags tomorrow. You and Sav are invited.

I told Sav what Dalton said, and she started to get excited. She talked the rest of the way home about us going out tomorrow night. I was too tired to even comprehend what all she was saying. When we got back to our apartment, I told Sav goodnight and went straight to my room.


Sav and I were still getting ready when I started getting texts from Dalton. He was asking where I was since we were supposed to meet up with him at the bar before we went in. I quickly texted him saying that we were running late, and to go in without us. I slid on my skinny jeans and my red top that Sav picked out for me. I checked my hair and make-up while yelling to Sav in the next room. "Savannah! The Uber is going to be here in five minutes! We need to leave asap!" I was still looking at myself in the mirror and didn't notice Sav coming into my room. "Alright, I'm right here you don't have to yell." I turned around to look at her and grab my purse. "Da*n Sav you look good girl." This made her laugh and do a little spin. "Thanks Liv. You look just as good too." We both started laughing as my phone dinged letting us know our Uber driver was here. We grabbed our things and ran out of the apartment.

We arrived at the bar and went in. Sav and I started looking for everyone, but they were all scattered around. Savanah found Collin, so we both started walking over towards him. I was following Sav when I felt someone grab my arm. I turned to see that it was Noah. "Hey Liv, lets dance." He didn't give me a second to respond before he pulled me on the dance floor. I was hoping to get a few drinks in me before I would start dancing, but Noah obviously had other plans. I can't blame him considering the last time we went out to a bar I promised him we could line dance but then we didn't. Noah and I had already danced to two songs and were on our third. I was starting to get tired, so I told him I needed a break after this song was over. When the song finished, I went over to the bar to get a drink. I realized I was now by myself, and tried to find someone from our group. I saw Brenna and some of the other girls standing at a table, so I went over. We all started talking, and somehow I was back out on the dance floor. I was laughing and dancing with the girls, having a good time. The girls and I were still dancing when "This Is What You Came For" started to play. It's one of my favorite songs, so I closed my eyes and started dancing around more than before. I felt like I was in my own little world. The song was at one of the "Baby this is what you came for. Lighting strikes every time she moves" part. I opened my eyes to see Tanner across the dance floor staring at me dumbfounded. I looked at him and smiled. It was as if time had slowed down, and it was Tanner and I at the bar right now. I motioned for him to come out and dance with me, but he stayed where he was standing. I saw Bloomer nudge, and say something to him. Tanner looked away from me to look at Bloomer. I was still dancing, but felt Brenna touch my arm. "Don't let him stand there Liv, go get him." She said as she winked. I grabbed the drink she was holding, and gulped it down. I gave her a nod, and made my way over to Tanner.

9 Innings of Love: A Savannah Banana's and Party Animals Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now