Chapter 4

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Olivia's POV:

I first heard Savanah's alarm go off in the morning. She always got up so early, I however tried to sleep in as long as I could. I checked my phone and saw that it was 7am. We didn't have to be at the field until 10 so I decided to sleep in a little longer. I set an alarm for 8 knowing that would give Sav enough time to do what she needed in the bathroom. Savanah busted into my room right at 8 like clockwork. "Liv, are you going to get up anytime soon? I know we don't have to be at the field until 10, but I wanted to stop at Starbucks first."

Starbucks is all I needed to hear for me to jump out of bed. I went to shower, and did my morning routine afterwards. I was blow drying my hair when Sav came into my room again with her arms full of clothes. I turned to her wide eyed. "Sav, what are you doing?" She put all the clothes she had on my bed, and looked at me. "What? You know first impressions matter the most when meeting new people." I finished blow drying my hair before walking to my bed. "What are you talking about new people? Most of the guys from last season got asked back. There's only going to be a few new guys this year." I paused for a second and continued before she could say anything. "Wait a minute, this doesn't have anything to do with that guy on the Party Animals that you had a crush on last year. Wasn't he one of the pitchers who got hurt or something? What was his name again? Ledbetter?" She rolled her eyes as her cheeks turned red. "Okay, yes fine I want to look nice for Collin. Is that too much to ask?" She said as she chuckled to herself. "No, I think it's sweet that you're excited to see him. Are you actually going to talk to him this year, and not just stand on the side making googly eyes at him?" She turned to  me with a sour face. "I didn't stand on the side making googly eyes at him. Plus I did talk to him a lot last season thank you very much." "Okay Sav, how much of the talking that you did with Collin was Banana Ball related? Does he know anything about you outside of work?"

Now she was crossing her arms and looking at me. "We talked a little on the off days and stuff. You know things like this don't come easy for me. My goal this season is to make myself talk to him more so we can actually get to know each other. Then maybe, by the end of the season we'll start dating if we both have the same feelings for each other." I was smiling when she finished talking. I wanted nothing more than for my best friend to be happy. I then had an idea that I think could help this situation of hers. "Well I'm glad you're wanting to take initiative, I'm here to support you 100%. In fact, I just had a great idea." She looked at me with a suspicious look. "Liv, I love you but I don't want you to meddle and risk messing this up for me." I pouted before saying "It's not meddling, just getting information." "Information from who?" She asked "My new best friend and also Collin's teammate Tanner. I can ask him if Collin ever said anything about you last year to see if that's something we can work with."

Sav looked concerned. "Wait so you're going to try to wing woman for me through Tanner? I don't know about this Liv, what if Collin doesn't like me the way I like him?" I looked down and grabbed both her hands. "Sav, any guy would be crazy not to like you. If he doesn't, then so be it. Guess what, you'll have plenty of other hot guys to look at all season. That's one thing the coaches do best when they go to recruit. They usually try to get the best players but lucky for us the best ones are the hottest. I won't say anything to Tanner either, I'll just ask if Collin has ever mentioned anything about you before. I'll swear him to secrecy as well so he won't say anything if he knows what's good for him. By the way, do you think Tanner waxes his eyebrows? I'm only asking because they look better than mine 99% of the time." I knew saying that at the end would make her laugh, and it did. "Girl what are you talking about? Of course I think he gets his eyebrows waxed. That man has perfect brows and we're over here with caterpillars." Now we were both laughing so hard I fell off my bed and onto the floor.

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