Chapter 8

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Olivia's POV:

I woke up the next morning in a mood because of what happened last night with Kevin. I tried to stay in bed as long as I could before I knew Savanah would bust through my door. Today was media day for the guys. Media day consisted of us getting promo shots of all the players. We could use it later for when the games are live streamed on YouTube. It was also the day all the staff members were getting their pictures taken for their ID cards that we had to wear during the games. I wasn't excited for the effort it was going to take for me to get ready for my picture. You obviously want to look nice since it's the badge you're going to wear the entire season. At least I didn't have to pick out nice clothes to wear since we're all required to wear our black polo's for the picture.

Before I knew it Sav came into my room, knocking before of course. "Good Morning!" She said cheerfully before seeing the disgusted look I had on my face. "Whoa, what's wrong with you?" She came over and sat on my bed by my feet. I really didn't feel like talking to her right now about the Kevin situation. I honestly just wanted to stay in my bed all day and be away from the world. It takes me a while to get out of a bad mood when I'm in one. I know it would be better for me to stay away from other humans right now. "Sav, I'm just in a bad mood, and I really don't want to talk about it right now. I promise I'll talk to you about it later, maybe when we're on the way to the stadium." I pulled the covers over my head hoping she would get the hint to leave my room. I hated being mean to Sav, but she knows how I get when I'm in a bad mood. I felt her get off my bed after a few minutes. "Okay, I'll respect your wishes. I hope you start feeling better soon. You know you can talk to me about whatever, and whenever you're ready I know you will. I love you Liv." "I love you too Sav." I looked at her before she left the room. She gave me a reassuring smile as she walked out, closing my door behind her.

After 20 minutes I finally decided to get myself out of bed so I can start getting ready. Maybe doing a little self care this morning will boost my mood. I jumped in the shower and was deciding how I was going to do my hair today for my picture. After the shower, I did a face mask and whitened my teeth before continuing my routine. I put on some music while getting ready, hoping it would help my bad mood. Disney music usually did the trick, so that's what I put on. I started blow drying my hair, taking breaks to sing the girl part of any duet that came on. I didn't even notice Sav sitting on my bed until I walked out of the bathroom to get my new hair oil that I just bought. "I see you're starting to be in a better mood. Do you want to talk about why you were in the bad one in the first place yet?" I instantly started to be in a bad mood again. "No Sav, I told you earlier I don't want to talk about it yet. What time are we leaving for Grayson today?" She looked like she was ready to go now since she had her hair, and makeup done. "Well, it's 9:45 right now. Jesse wants everyone at the field at 10:30 so we can make sure we get everything done today that we need for the first game on Friday." I finally finished blow drying my hair and decided to straighten it today. "Okay, I just have to straighten my hair really quick and do some make up. I should be finished in 30 minutes." Sav got up to walk out of my room again. "Okay, that's fine. I'm not in any rush anyways. Do you need any help? I can pick out your clothes if you want. I also went and picked up some muffins this morning in case you're hungry. I know chocolate chip are your favorite so I got some of those for you." This is one of the reasons I love Sav. She knew I was in a bad mood, and now she's trying to help me feel better. "I would love it actually if you helped me pick out something to wear. You know how indecisive I am when it comes to my clothes. Just pick out something comfy but cute for me please? I'm going to go get one of those muffins right now actually." I went to the kitchen and came back with my muffin. They were the ones from a local bakery in Savannah, and they're my favorite.

I finished my hair and make up right as Sav finished picking out my outfit. She picked a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, and a yellow sweater. She left so I could finish getting ready. I changed and slipped on a grey pair of Hey Dudes before walking out of my room. I found Sav in the kitchen filling up our water bottles. "Okay, I'm ready whenever you are. You look really nice today, are you excited for our badge pictures?" Sav loved everything about pictures, being in them or being the one taking them. Whatever it was as long as it had to do with a picture she loved it. I wasn't as big of a fan. I know I have a fake smile sometimes for pictures so that's all I think about when getting my picture taken. "Yes, I'm super excited. I want to make sure my picture looks amazing since it's going on the badge that we have to wear at every game. You look nice too, I wasn't sure how that sweater was going to look with those jeans, but you make it look fabulous." She snapped as she said the word fabulous, making me laugh. "Sav, what was that?" She chuckled to herself. "I'm honestly not sure, but I knew it would get you to laugh so it worked. Are you ready to go?" I shook my head yes and we headed out the door.

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