Chapter 16

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Olivia's POV:

It was the beginning of April now. We had just gotten back on Sunday from our games in New Jersey and New York. The guys had games this week on Wednesday, and Friday in Savannah. Today was Wednesday, so I got up and ready to head to Grayson Stadium. The day went quick, and ended with a Party Animals win. Everyone had to be back at the stadium for practice tomorrow, so we tried to clean up everything as fast as possible.

Thursday had came, and we were back at Grayson. The guys practiced while everyone else had meetings. Jesse let everyone leave at 4 since there wasn't a game today. I was getting ready to leave with Sav, but got a text from Dalton.

From Dalton: Hey, Tanner and I want to stay and practice some more. Do you think you can help? It'll be easier if we have an extra person. If not that's okay, just didn't know if you wanted to take this opportunity to wack some baseballs at us.

I was walking with Sav and started laughing. "Hey, I'm going to stay here to help Dalton and Tanner. You can head back to our apartment without me. I'll be home later." "Okay, no problem." I said goodbye to Sav, and went to text Dalt back.

From Olivia: Hi, you're right. I don't really want to pass up this opportunity. I'll meet you guys on the field.

I put my stuff in Dalton's locker since I knew nobody was in the locker room. I walked out onto the field to find Dalt and Tanner. "Hey guys, you ready to do this?" Dalton turned to me. "Yeah, just try not to hurt yourself. I know it's been a while since you hit." He started to laugh. "I mean yeah I'm going to be a little rusty, but you have to give me a little before I actually warm up." The guys took their places on the field, and I started hitting baseballs towards them. We did this for about 45 minutes before they both got tired. We all started to clean up, and I went to Dalton's locker to grab my things. I went to walk back out onto the field. "Hey Dalt I forgot to tell you earlier, but I need a ride home if you don't mind." I was looking at my phone, and glanced up to see Dalton wasn't even on the field. I saw Tanner, crouched down talking to two little girls. They must've been fans that were visiting the stadium with their parents. I tried to turn around to see if I could find Dalton, but heard Tanner yell my name. "Hey Liv! Can you come over here please? I want to introduce you to my nieces!" Well I guess they are fans, but because Tanner's their Uncle. I don't see a way of getting out of this one, so I turned around and started walking over.

Tanner's POV:

Liv had just finished practicing with Dalt and I. We all started to clean up, and I could hear two little voices calling my name. "Uncle TT!" I glanced up, and saw my nieces run towards me. "Hi girls!" I crouched down, and they both crashed into me at the same time, causing us to fall over. We all started laughing after I made sure the girls were okay. I stood up, so I could greet my sister Tiffany, and brother in law Chris. "Hey Sis, I had no idea you'd be in Savannah so early in the season." I hugged her and she hugged me back. I gave Chris a hug too. "The girls have been asking about you like crazy. Chris and I decided to take two days off work, and come surprise you for tomorrow's game. At least it was supposed to be a surprise until the girls begged us to bring them to the stadium to see if you were here." The girls started giggling. I crouched down and started talking to them again. I saw Liv come out of the Banana's dugout, and turn around to go back to the locker room. I called her over so I could introduce her to my family. She shyly walked over to us. "Okay, these are my nieces Emma and Lily, and their parents. My sister Tiffany, and her husband Chris." Liv smiled and greeted all of them. She started talking to Tiffany, when I felt one of the girls pull on the bottom of my shirt. I looked down to see it was Lily. I bent down so I was eye level with her. "What's up Lils?" She looked at Liv, and then back at me. "Uncle TT, I think Liv is really pretty. What do you think? Is she your girlfriend?" I wasn't expecting her to say that, and my face started to get red. "Well Lils, I do think Liv is really pretty. She isn't my girlfriend, but maybe one day she will be. I think she would like it if you went over, and told her you think she's pretty. Is that something you'd want to do?" Lily shook her head, and went on her way. She did the same thing with my shirt to Liv. I watched as Liv got down to Lily's eye level. "Do you need something Lily?" She hesitated a moment, looking back at me. I gave her a thumbs up, and she turned back to Liv. "My Uncle TT and I both think you're really pretty. You're actually prettier than the pictures Uncle TT has shown us of you before." I swear I felt my jaw hit the ground after Lily finished. That's not what I told her to say. I mean, it was obviously true, but she didn't have to tell Liv that. My face was certainly red now if it wasn't before. How could a six year old rat out their Uncle like that? She definitely wasn't getting a Christmas present from me this year, that's for sure.

9 Innings of Love: A Savannah Banana's and Party Animals Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now