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Olivia's POV:

It's been about three years since Tanner and I started dating. We now live together in Savannah. Tanner and Dalton don't play for the Party Animals or Bananas anymore, but instead are the coaches for the team. Tanner coaches the Party Animals with Garett and Collin, and Dalton coaches the Bananas with Noah and DR. Savanah and I both still work for the Bananas, but now moved up the ladder. We're both in charge of the creative team, and get to make the executive decisions. Jesse and Emily still are the owners of everything in Banana Land, but I heard they might be taking a step back so they can spend more time with their children.

It was a hot day in July, and everyone was at the field in Savannah. The Bananas were facing the Party Animals again, and the gates just opened for the fans to enter the stadium. I was outside the stadium with Savanah greeting fans as they came through. We were about 30 minutes away from the game starting. I got a text from Dalton, asking if I had time to find his confetti blaster that I gave him earlier. It was a prop the Bananas were going to use for a run celebration. I knew I shouldn't have given it to him too early because he would lose it. I told Savanah I had to leave, and I would see her when the game started. I quickly walked from the entrance of the stadium to the Banana's locker room. I looked around everywhere, and still couldn't find the confetti blaster. I decided to call Sav. "Hey, can you help me find this thing for Dalton? I can't find it anywhere in this locker room." Sav agreed, and I could hear two voices in the background asking for me. "Sav, who are you with?" I questioned, unable to make out the voices. "I'm with Tanner's nieces, they're asking where you are." With all the craziness going on today, I forgot that some of Tanner's family was coming to the game. I've gotten closer with both of the girls since Tanner and I have been dating for so long. "If you're with them, bring them down. We can take them on the field so they can see Tanner really quick, and then take them back up to their seats." Sav agreed, and I heard the cheers from the girls. About five minutes later I was joined by the girls. We all continued to look for the blaster, but still couldn't find it. I finally gave up, and sat down at Dalton's locker. "I don't know where it is. He's just going to have to deal with out it. Let's get you girls out to the field so you can see your Uncle." The girls both came running over to me, and they each stood at one of my sides. They grabbed onto my hands, and we started walking towards the hallway that lead to the field.

As we were walking down the hall I started talking to the girls about how excited they were to see Tanner. We continued walking until I noticed Sav put something over my face, and pulled it up over my eyes. "Savanah, what's going on?" I couldn't see anything, but heard the girls giggling while they were still holding my hands. "You have to leave the blindfold on Liv. Don't take it off until we say." Emma had said to me, while Sav followed up. "We're guiding you down the hall, keep walking straight." I had no idea what was happening, but I trusted Sav and the girls enough to not let me fall. We eventually got to the steps that you had to walk up to be in the dugout. Sav talked me up the steps, and then we took a few steps forward. The girls were still giggling, and holding my hands. They stopped me, and Savanah took off my blindfold. I let my eyes adjust since it was sunny out, and I looked around the Bananas dug out. I was shocked when I looked around to see the dugout was decorated with pictures of me and Tanner throughout the years that we've been together. Some pictures were ones that I didn't even know were taken. I looked at a few of the pictures until the girls pulled me towards the field. I looked out to see the Party Animals on one side, and the Bananas on the other. They made a tunnel for me and the girls to walk through. We started walking, and when we got towards the end of the tunnel I heard music start to play. I saw Garett, Collin, Noah, and DR being the last ones I passed from the team tunnel. They all had huge smiles on their faces, and Garett gave me a nod with a thumbs up. As we exited the tunnel, I looked up and saw Dalton playing his guitar. He had a mic on, and started singing "Bless The Broken Road". He saw me, and had the biggest smile I've ever seen. He motioned towards home plate, and I glanced over to see what he was motioning towards. When I did, I saw my family standing behind home plate, as well as some of Tanner's family. I was shocked to see my family since I had no idea they would be in Savannah until now. I was looking at them as I felt both Lily and Emma hug me. They both looked up at me and said "Please say yes." before running over to their mom and dad. I was still a little confused as to what was happening since it was all a lot to take in. I stood on the field by myself, with everyone looking at me.

I started to get nervous, until I felt a hand grab mine. I looked up to see that it was Tanner, and he walked us over to home plate. "Tanner, what is going on?" I asked nervously, still trying to figure it out. He chuckled, as he grabbed onto my other hand now. "Olivia, we met here at this stadium four years ago. When I first saw you, I knew that I wanted to be with you. Things between us got off to a rocky start that first season, but the season after that everything changed. I couldn't be more thankful for the way things happened that season. It led us to start dating, and we've been together ever since. You make me so happy, and make me want to be a better person every day. I couldn't imagine what my life would be like without you in it. I love you so much Olivia, and I want to be with you for the rest of my life." Tanner then pulled a box out of his back pocket, and got down on one knee. I started to cry because I was so happy that this was happening. "Olivia Grace Jones, will you marry me?" Tanner asked, and I immediately said yes. He put the ring on my finger, and then stood up to pick me up. He kissed me, and then we started to spin around. He put me back on the ground, and I couldn't stop crying and smiling. I had forgotten about our families, and the crowd in the stadium until everyone erupted with the loudest cheering I've ever heard. Dalton came running over to us, and hugged us both. Our families came over too, and we did a huge group hug with everyone on the field. I couldn't believe this was happening, and it all was because of a deal I made with Dalton three years ago.

That is the end of this story! I'm extremely proud of myself for writing this. I've never written a story before, and I think it was a good one!

A HUGE THANK YOU to my readers! You've all given me so much inspiration to continue writing each chapter. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I have! I loved seeing some chapters get votes and comments on them, it really showed me some people enjoyed the chapter! I couldn't have done this without everyone's continued love and support!

With all of that being said, I'm thinking about writing another Banana's story! This time the main player might be Jackson. What do we think about that? I have some ideas for the basics of the story, but I'm always open to ideas. Please comment below if you'd like the next story to be about Jackson, or even another player. I don't know a lot about some of them, so it'll be harder to write a story about certain ones. I would prefer to see if there's any interest in a story about Jackson before I start with the rough drafts. This is only because I don't want to write a story nobody will read. I will say that if there is an interest in this story, then I'm unsure of when I would start it. Maybe I would post the Prologue on a Tuesday, (maybe the 23rd depending on the amount of comments/ interest I get before then) and then wait until the next Tuesday to post the first chapter. I want to make sure that it gives me time to write at least the first two chapters for everyone so I can continue to post them on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please let me know your thoughts below. I value all of my readers thoughts and opinions, so don't be scared to comment anything :)

If you liked this story be sure to check out my newest one with Jackson as the main character!

9 Innings of Love: A Savannah Banana's and Party Animals Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now