(Reese pov.)

I don't want to be that person, but I'm kinda glad that Greg was murdered last night.

Turns out those cops last night were heading towards Greg's house because his parents found him all over the place, literally.

They found pieces of him all over the house, and whoever did it deserves a medal. Greg was an asshole and he deserved to die.

I mean, yeah, it was a tragedy (note the sarcasm), and woodsboro would never recover from this(again being sarcastic)

I think everyone in town knew how much an asshole Greg was. Now that's he's gone. Stu could be at peace. Greg won't bully him anymore, and God, I hope Cassandra leaves him alone as well, or else she'll probably get the same treatment that Greg got.

I arrived at school at the usual time. Outside of the school was buzzing with news reporters and police all over the place.

I got out of my car, slinging my bag over my shoulder before walking towards the school as quickly as I could.

I don't do well with reporters or cops.
- -
(Billy's pov.)

All this ruckus just for Greg is such bullshit. Who gives a fuck that he died? Clearly, not me, and I'm the one who murdered him.

I turned my head as I heard horrible, ear piercing wailing. Right, Greg's girlfriend or side-chick? I don't know or care was crying to Reese.

She practically threw herself as Reese, hugging her and crying. I feel bad for Reese for dealing with that.

I wanted to go over there and pull her off of Reese. She was next, I was gonna kill her next since she was also bullying stu.

I was pissed off that stu didn't even seem bothered by the fact that he was getting bullied. He was rather chill about it, and it annoyed the fuck out of me.

Speaking of Stu, I looked over at him. He was reorganizing my locker again. He just did it yesterday, I messed it up last period just for the heck of it.

"I found your homework from last week," stu told me, passing me the crumbled old piece of paper that I tossed there like a week ago.

"No use for this now," I said, balling it up. "I didn't find it yesterday. Did you have it in one of your folders?" He questioned

I shrugged, and I possibly did it on purpose. I have a whole bunch of old homework, and I just toss it in my locker whenever stu decides to clean it.

"Let me see your folders." He said, and I tossed him my bag. I watched him open my bag, and he blinked , "What?"

"It looks like a tornado was in your bag, Billy." He said, and I chuckled

"I haven't cleaned my bag over a year. It's a mess." I told him, and he shook his head.

"This is..this is giving me anxiety, I'm cleaning this." He said ,"Okay, help yourself." I said, with a small smile.
- -
(Stu's pov.)

I don't have a clue how I could love someone so messy like Billy. I have no clue, but I love him so much. So, I'll just spend the rest of my life cleaning after him.

I hope Reese isn't as messy as Billy. I don't want to assume things because Reese is a girl.

People say that girls are clean and neat, but that's a lie. Some are, but others are not.

I pretty much got distracted the whole day with Billy's bag and his folders. Billy's schoolbag gave me anxiety, and I don't know why.

As the school day ended, I walked out of the school and slightly shivered a bit. "Hey, stu!"

It was Reese, and she's walking over to me. I was nervous. She was just so pretty and amazing. I'm practically nothing compared to her and Billy.

That thought made me feel bad, I hugged Billy's bag to my chest, scratching as my wrist, where my scars are.

I remember the day Billy found out that I was cutting myself. I was so scared and he was so pissed but I saw the way his hands were shaking. He was scared, I made him scared.

"So, when do you want to do the project?" She asked, and I blinked .What was she talking about? Did I miss something , I think she noticed my confusion.

"The history project, we need to pick something from the old days and write about it." She explained, and god, I feel so stupid.

My scratching became harder, and Reese seemed to notice as her gaze went to my hands.

"You okay?" She asked, and I nodded ,"y-yeah! Um, I'm free tonight, I'm like free every night,"I said, a small giggle escaping me.

Would she think I'm weird? Boys don't giggle, or at least that's what Billy says, but he said when I do it, it's cute and adorable, but I wanted to stop but I couldn't and I hate it.

Reese smiled, "well, why don't we head over to my house and start working on the project."

Go to Reese house? Like just me and her? I could feel my heart wanting to jump out of my chest, it feels like I'm having a heart attack.

I nodded my head ,"o-okay."
Word count - 898

Hope you enjoy!

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