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(Billy's pov.)

I can't believe I actually fell asleep. Maybe it was the warmth that radiated off of Stu, or maybe it was because I was tired.

I wasn't surprised to see Tatum or Randy, but I was surprised to see Sidney. She never comes over to stu's house never.

Stu put up that facade again. He was pretending to be happy. He was laughing with Randy about something stupid.

We were eating since Reese forced us to sit down and place a plate of spaghetti in front of us.

It was actually really good. I didn't know that Reese could cook since her mother never let her in the kitchen.

"So, why did you guys ditch school?" Sidney spoke up, looking down at her plate.

She was just messing around with her food. It wasn't my problem if she's hungry or not.

"Like I said before, we didn't want to stay at school, so we ditched." Reese answered

I wanted to tell Sidney that it was none of her business. She didn't need to know why we ditched school.

That was our business and our business alone.

"So, you all just decided to ditch?" Tatum questioned, her eyes darting between the three of us.

"I..I wasn't feeling very well earlier," stu spoke up, and I turned to look at him along with everyone else.

"So, um..Billy and Reese offered to take me home." He added, slowly taking a sip of his ice tea.

"You feeling sick? Why didn't you just say so? Reese, did you buy stuff to make soup?" Tatum asked, looking at Reese.

What the hell is with the switch up? "Um.. I only know how to make spaghetti. I don't know how to make soup." Reese replied

"I know how to make soup." Stu told them, "No. You will not be cooking. You are sick, and you will be resting." Tatum told him

"But I could help, I'm not useless." Stu said, frowning

"Nobody said you were," I told him, "just let him help. Doesn't the sickness go away faster if you're doing something?"

"No. You'll just pass out," Tatum said, narrowing her eyes at me. "But fine. You can help."

Stu smiled ,"yay!" I smiled, and I could see that Reese was smiling as well.
- -
After eating, Sidney practically dragged me to hell. Kidding, she took me upstairs by dragging me by my arm.

"We need to talk." She said. We were in stu's parents' room. Stu was right. It was creepy being in here. It was giving me the creeps, or maybe it was just sid.

"About what?" I asked. I wanted to leave and go back downstairs.

"About us," she said, "Billy, you've been distant... you have been hanging out more with Stu and Reese than you have been hanging out with me."

"Well, to be fair, stu did offer you to hang out with us." I replied, and she sighed

"Yeah, Stu did, but you didn't." She said, "Yeah, because stu did!" I agrued

"And I was right there, Sidney." She crossed her arms, "I didn't want stu to offer me to hang out with you guys. I wanted my boyfriend to offer me to hang out."

"It's not a big deal, Sidney. I don't even know why we're arguing about this?" I sighed

"Because I want to hang out with you, but you never have time!" She yelled,

"Keep your voice down, Sidney. This isn't your house, so respect it." I told her, glaring at her

"Plus, you never want to do anything. I want to have fun, and I don't want to live in the past like you are," I said

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked, her eyes tearing up.

"It means your mom died a year ago, Sidney. You're still grieving, and you're making it everyone's problem. It's time to move." Sidney scoffed before my cheek sting.

She had slapped me, and I wanted to fucking kill her but I didn't. Instead, I let her go.

I heard the front door slam shut, and that just pissed me off more. I sighed before I headed downstairs.

"Hey.. your cheek is red." Reese said, appearing just as I reached the bottom steps.

Her hand gently grabbed my chin, turning my head a bit, I slightly winced as she touched my cheek.

"Yeah, let's put some cream on that." She led me to the bathroom , "Where's stu?" I questioned

"Tatum, Randy, and stu went to the store to get more stuff. They'll be back soon." She replied

"So, you wanna talk about it?" She questioned as she gently put cream on my cheek.

"Not really." I mumbled , "Well, that's fine. Someone should really teach that girl some manners through." I slightly chuckled

"No shit."

Word count - 800

Hope you enjoy!

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