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(Reese pov.)

Stu was zoned out. He was biting his nail of his thumb, just staring blankly in front of him.

Was I staring at him instead of paying attention to class? Yes, I was. I was worried about him. He seemed completely zoned out since he walked into school.

I get that school sucks ass but stu likes school. He just won't zone out for it.

I narrowed my eyes as I noticed something red trailing down his thumb, and I reached out, grabbing his hand, and I startled him, making him jump and turn to look at me with wide eyes.

"You made yourself bleed," I told him, and stu pulled his hand back, "it's okay. It's just a small cut."

"Let me get you a bandaid." He shook his head, reaching into his bag before pulling out a small looney tune box and opening it.

It was filled with bandaids. I was amazed by that. Why does he have a box of bandaids?

Well, it's stu, I stopped asking questions a long time ago. He put a bandaid around his thumb before putting the box back inside of his bag.

"Happy now?" He asked, and I nodded ,"Very." He slightly chuckled

"Are you okay? You've been zoned out," I asked

He nodded ,"I'm fine. I'm just thinking, that's all." He said with a small smile, but I didn't believe him at all.
- -
(Stu's pov.)

I couldn't do it anymore. I don't care if Billy gets mad at me, but I need to cut myself, I need to release this pain inside of me.

When the bell rang, I quickly stood up, grabbed my bag, and rushed out of the classroom.

"Stu, hey, wait up." I ignored Reese, who called out for me, and I blended into the crowd.

I didn't go to the bathroom. That's the first place Billy would look to find me. I headed to the roof instead.

I don't know why I have this desire to hurt myself. I guess I was just born this way.

I always hurt myself when I was younger to gain my parents' attention, but I guess as I grew up, the more I hurt myself, the more I liked it.

Then Billy found out about me cutting myself, and he made me stop. He threatened to lock me away in a small room with nothing but a bed.

That he will take care of me if I don't stop. It scared me because his words, they were seemed true. Like he was really going to lock me in a small room and take care of me.

Billy knew I was afraid of being in small places since that one time I accidentally locked myself in the chest, and I was in there for hours until my older sister found me by accident.

Anyway, I made it to the roof and I took in the fresh air, slightly smiling.
- -
(Billy's pov.)

I tossed a grape at Randy, hitting him right in the face. "Ow! The fuck!?" He said, and I chuckled

"Fuck you, Loomis." He flicked me off ,"You're not my type." I replied and he rolled his eyes.

"Billy!" I looked up, and I felt Sidney tense beside me, but I didn't care as I saw Reese walking over.

"Stu ignored me! Can you believe that?! And I lost that baby gaint in the hallway! How is that possible! It's impossible! Maybe it cause I'm short!" She ranted, and she looked cute while doing so, but I can fan boy about it later.

"Stu ignored you? Did you see where he went?" I questioned, and she shook her head.

"No. I thought he came out here, but I guess I was wrong." I stood up, "I'm gonna go find him."

"I'll come with you." Reese said, and I just nodded my head.
- -
[Reese pov.]

We literally searched the whole school, but stu was nowhere to be found. Billy was anxious, and I could tell.

There was something wrong if Billy acted this way.

"Billy, Reese. What'cha two doing?" Stu questioned, startling me.

"Stu, where the fuck where you?" Billy questioned

"I just needed some time alone." Stu replied, I watched as Billy walked over and roughly grabbed stu's arm.

"Hey, take it easy." I told him, and he just glared at me before he lifted stu's sleeves,

There were white bandages around his wrist, staining with blood. My eyes widened while Billy cursed.

"What the fuck, stu. I fucking told you to never fucking cut yourself again." Billy growled out, his grip on stu's wrist tightening.

"Ow, Billy, you're hurting me." Stu tried to pull his hand away from Billy's grip.

"Why should I care? You like hurting yourself, so what if I hurt you, huh?" Enough, is enough

I walked over and pushed Billy back ,"Hey, this is not the way to deal with this, Billy." I told him.

"I'm sorry, Billy, but I just couldn't resist anymore." Stu said, I turned to face him.

"We are going to your house, now. The three of us and no buts about it."

Word count - 857

Hope you enjoy!

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