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(Reese pov.)

I think I know what's going on with me. I think I have a crush on both Billy and Stu. It should be impossible, right?

I can't like them. I mean, they do have beautiful eyes, beautiful smile, charming smiles,

Stu's so adorable while Billy's so mischievous. It was like they were made for me - what! No, I can't think that!

Since I was currently in my room lying on my bed, I grabbed a pillow, and I put it over my face, letting out a frustrated yell.

If I tried suffocating myself in the progress, well, that's my business and nobody else's.

Why couldn't I have a crush on somebody else!? Like some random weird stranger who would probably kidnap me and kill me.

Right, you can't trust strangers! As if I would trust a stranger. I've seen way too many horror movies.

The phone started to ring, and I removed the pillow from my face, glancing at the ringing phone.

I groaned before rolling and reacting out, grabbing the phone and answering it.

"This better be good." I said

"Is this a bad time?" I instantly sat up, my mood completely changing as I heard stu's voice.

"What? No! It's a great time, actually, what is it?" I asked, and I think I have it bad if my moods could change that fast.

My mood doesn't even change that fast with my family. Usually, it takes hours before my mood changes.

"Well, Billy and I were wondering if you would like to come to the mall with us?we're gonna meet up with the rest of our friends." Stu said

Ugh! My heart! I can't take this! His voice is so alluring!

"Sure. I would love to." I replied, my heart was feeling like it was gonna jump out my chest. Hopefully, it will, so I can die!

This is so painful! I think I'm being a bit tad dramatic, but whatever.

"Awesome! Billy and I will come and pick you up in twenty minutes." Stu said

Shit! I'm not even ready! I have twenty minutes to get ready or maybe less since I'm pretty sure Billy drives like he breaks the law.

"Can't wait!" With that, I hung up, and I bolted off my bed and rushed around my room.

"What are you doing?" I paused and glanced at my younger brother Mateo, who stood by the door.

"Getting ready? What do you think?" I said before rushing to get ready.

"Mom! I think Reese has been body snatched by aliens! She's acting weird, she's...she's not being lazy!" I heard Mateo say before I heard departing footsteps.

"Are you feeling sick?" I looked over at my dad, who walked in with my mom behind him.

Are they serious right now? I couldn't be that lazy, right?

"I'm not sick. I'm just gonna hang out with some friends at the mall, that's all." I replied

"No offense, but your two friends are dead." My dad said ,

"None taken. I made new friends, better friends." I said

"Ooh! Is it those two boys! Stu and Billy, right? They're absolute sweethearts. Ed, I was telling you about them all week. Stu's the one who helped me baked those cookies you love so much." My mom said, with a smile on her face.

Why does it feel like she loves them more than she loves me? Eh, whatever, stu and Billy need all the parental love they could get.

If it was my parents, it would be a neverending stream of love. Once my parents love something, they are never letting it go.

"I need to meet these two before I let you leave with them." My dad said

"They're be here in twenty minutes."
- -
(Stu's pov.)

Once Billy parked the car outside of Reese's house, I got out of the car first before he did.  We both walked over to her house and walked up the stairs before Billy rang the doorbell.

The door was opened a second later, but a large man with a beard and a little on the chubby side, but who am I to judge? I'm fat myself.

Speaking of which, I should really start eating less. I should just eat once a day.

"Are you two here for my daughter?" He questioned, and I nodded

"Yes, we are. I'm stu, and this is Billy." I introduced, and he hummed.

"Dad, stop trying to scare my friends," Reese said, ducking under her father's arm and walking out.

"What? I wasn't, I swear!" Her dad protested.

"Is there a specific time you want us to bring her back?" Billy questioned, and Reese father blinked in surprise.

"Oh- uh, no, you can keep her if you want." He joked

"Dad!" Reese said, her cheeks tinting red and Billy chuckled.

"Bring her back before midnight."
Word count - 812

Hope you enjoy!

She's The Girl Next Door || Scream 1996 || Billy loomis & Stu Macher Where stories live. Discover now