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[Stu's pov.]

Billy seemed annoyed. I wonder what Sidney said to him this time.

I have nothing against her but she didn't regard Billy's feelings. When Billy's mom left, Sidney wasn't there for him.

She didn't comfort him, she didn't hold him as he cried. She wasn't there for him but I was.

It made me upset seeing Billy so upset. It broke my heart seeing him cry. I made him cry and I hated myself even more for that.

"Hey, you okay?" Reese questioned looking at Billy who let out a deep sighed.

"I broke up with Sidney." He said, "what?" Reese asked, looking at Billy in surprise.

I looked at him in surprise as well. What about the plan? Was he just gonna throw it away or did he have a different plan.

"Yeah, I never loved her and i just didn't want to string her along anymore." Billy replied with a shrug.

"Now, let's go home." He said. If he really had a different plan then why didn't he tell me?

Did he think I was incapable of handling it? Did he not want my help anymore?

Am i...am I useless to him now? If I can't kill for Billy then what use am I? What use does Billy need me around for?

I could feel my eyes stinging and I looked down. No, I can't cry.

I have to be strong. I need to stop being so pathetic. I can't cry, I had done enough crying.

Billy and Reese would get tired of me soon if I keep crying.

"Hey, you feeling okay?" I hear Billy questioned, I could feel his hand on my lower back.

I wanted nothing more than to cry and for Billy to hold me but I couldn't give in. I just couldn't.

I nodded my head instead. Not trusting my voice. I know that it would Crack if I spoke.

Then Billy would know something is up and he will force me to tell him.

I can't tell him that I'm feeling so useless. That he doesn't need me anymore.

I was afraid that he was going to dump me like the trash I am.

I didn't realize that I was chewing on the skin of my nail until a hand pulled my hand away.

I didn't realized that we were in Reese car since she practically drive us everywhere now.

Billy and I were sitting in the back and he was holding hand in his. I bit my bottom lip as I could feel my tears sliding down my face.

God, I was so pathetic. I should've just killed myself when I had the chance.

"Stu, hey. Take deep breaths, doll." Billy said, his voice was calming but there was bit a worry in his voice.

I didn't realize that I was breathing very fast until my vision blurred. I was having a panic attack.

Billy's voice was fading. It felt like I was underwater or something. I couldn't breathe, I needed to breathe but I couldn't.
- -
[Billy's pov.]

Stu was having a panic attack. He was just fine one minute and the next he was having trouble breathing.

I tried calming him down but nothing was helping. My heart was pounding in my chest. I feel so useless.

I could only watch as the door behind Stu opened and Reese appeared, she cupped Stu's face in her hands and she kissed him.

I couldn't do anything but stare in shock and worry.

Reese pulled back after a minute and I noticed that Stu's breathing was back to normal but he had tears streaming down his face.

"You..you kissed me.." stu whispered, his eyes wide and a small blush on his cheeks.

"Yeah, I was telling Billy to kiss you but that idiot was frozen in place." Reese said

She was right. I froze but I was scared. So sue me.

"You okay?" Reese questioned, her voice was gentle.

Stu nodded ,"yeah, thank you." Reese smiled at him.

"Let's go home." Reese closed the door and she got back into the driver seat.

Stu turned and faced me before he wrapped his arms around me and resting his head on my chest.

He sniffled and I snapped out of whatever trance I was and I hugged him back.

"I'm sorry for scaring you, B." He whispered and I kissed the top of his head.

"Don't be, it's okay."
- -
[Reese pov.]

Oh my god! Stu's lips were so soft! Like how could they be so soft!? I can't believe I kissed him.

Well, I was telling Billy but he was frozen, I guess he was scared. I was too.

Stu had trouble breathing and it was like a nightmare of some sort.

Good thing I listened to my mom rant about how holding your breath can calm down a panic attack.

I glanced through the review mirror and saw my boys hugging, Billy was running his hand through Stu's hair and Stu's eyes were slowly closing.

I wonder what set him off. I hope he's gonna be okay.

He has to be.
Word count - 856

Hope you enjoy!

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