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[Reese pov.]

I was worried for stu, and so is Billy. He was acting weird. Billy and I were keeping an eye on him.

He was acting like he normally does, but it was weird.

It was the end of the day, and the last bell finally rang. I stood up and walked over to stu, "we need to talk."

He looked surprised, "Um, okay?"

"In private." I told him,and he nodded, standing up ,"Okay. We can go to my house."

He smiled at me, and I knew something was wrong. His smile, it just seemed way off.

"What's with that face?" Stu's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. ,"what?" He chuckled

"Nothing, come on." We both walked out of class, and he hummed to himself. It was the same tune I caught Billy humming before.

"What's that? The tune that you're humming?" I questioned, and stu looked at me. His eyes seemed to sadden before it was quickly replaced with nothing. The sadness was just gone, but no other emotion replaced it.

"It was a tune that I heard my mom humming before. It was catchy, and I got it stuck in my head." Stu replied

We walked outside, and I thanked him for holding the door for me.

"Does she make you sad?" I asked, "what?"

"Your mom? Your eyes sadden when you thought about her , right?" He let out a small laugh

"Yeah, I guess so," his smile faded, "my mom never sung to me. She always sang to Leslie. I just overhead."

I frowned, I really wanted to pay a visit to stu's parents. They way stu talked about them, it seemed like they didn't care at all about him.

"It doesn't matter anymore. It was years ago. That song is still stuck in my head." Stu said, his smile appearing again

He didn't care, or at least that's he's trying to pretend. He's trying to pretend that he didn't care.

But I could tell that he did. He cared so much about it, and he's hurting.

"Why don't we stop for ice cream before we head to your house." I suggested, Ice cream always makes everything better.

"You sure? I thought you wanted to talk to me about something? It sounded urgent." Stu said, and I nodded my head.

"It could wait, Stu. We're getting ice cream."
- -
[Stu's pov.]

Reese was acting weird. I was worried about her. I wonder what she wanted to talk to me about.

Am I trouble? Was she gonna yell at me? Was she gonna stop being my friend?

After we got our ice cream, we decided to head to my house. I was slowly eating my chocolate ice cream as Reese drove.

My mind drifted to my mom again. Every time I think about her, it always upsets me.

I always noticed the way my mom treated me and Leslie.

She treated Leslie differently than me. At first, I thought it was because I was a boy, but as I grew older, I knew it was because she didn't love me.

My mom never sung for me. My mom never played with me. My mom never baked for me. My mom never showed up for the talent show I was in or when I was an award for being one of the smartest students in fifth grade.

My dad never paid attention to me either, and I rarely saw him. So there wasn't much to say about him.

My mom....she was the first person to break my heart so many times. I had always hoped that one day she would love me, but that day never came.

Leslie was the second person to break my heart. She was my big sister, and big sisters were supposed to be your first best friend, right?

I don't know if it was our age gap, but Leslie never really liked me. She was always yelling at me and telling me to get out of her room when I went in there to ask her to play with me.

Her friends always looked at me weird, and I knew that look on their faces were wrong, so I always hid in my room when they were over, especially her boyfriend.

He wanted to play with me. At first, I was excited, but then I didn't like his game. I don't remember how old I was but I knew it wasn't right when he asked me to take off my clothes.

I never played with him ever again after that. I tried telling Leslie about her boyfriend, but she ignored me.

My whole childhood was lonely except for when I was hanging out with Billy and Randy.

I wished I had grown up with a different family. One that loved me and didn't hate me.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Reese voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"What?" Her hand reached out, and I flinched, but she gently wiped my cheek, I felt tears sliding down my face.

Why was I crying?

"Stu?" I softly chuckled, wiping my tears,

"I don't know what's wrong with me, Reese."

Word count - 860

Hope you enjoy!

Guys! So, I was thinking what if stu gets a tattoo on wrist, both of them later on, but he only gets it because his(future kid) draws on his scars?

It's just an idea, but what do y'all think?

Also, I was thinking of making a sequel.

It's gonna be a male oc one. The love interest will either be Wes hick or Chad Martin meeks. Maybe both.

I have no idea what to call it through.

Should it be

The boy next door?

Moonlight? (Title inspired by Ariana Grande - Moonlight)

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