Waking Furies

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I was prodded awake by a hand vigorously shaking me. When my eyes opened I saw a young woman probably a few years older than myself. She had a nasty look on her face but was otherwise calm and collected. "Come on, Rena and Fallon are ready for you." Her eyes were startlingly red. Which meant she wasn't a Succubus. She had to be a Fury. Hmm, not the person to piss off then. But it seemed oh so tempting to rip that look off of her face. However I restrained myself because I didn't want to end up being burned alive or ripped apart.
"Wait who and who?" I asked nearly tripping over my own feet in my attempt to follow her. Crimson eyes rolled towards the badly lit ceiling in disgust. A hand with talon tipped fingers wrapped around my arm and dragged me faster. "Rena and Fallon, the two people that control this sanctuary." She hissed out, her hand heating up on my flesh in an alarming manner.
"Um, ok got it." I muttered pulling my arm out of her burning grasp. That was when I had the opportunity to glance at myself and see a drastic change. My clothes had been stripped off and I was now wearing a matching set of undergarments in an emerald green shade with deep purple lace edges. Goosebumps broke out across my exposed flesh and I froze mid step. "Where are my clothes?!" I squawked out in panic.
"Your kind are hardly shy, why does it matter?" The fury sneered at me. My stomach dropped at the sight of literal flames in her eyes. "I'm not comfortable bearing my flesh to the people holding my friends hostage. It's just not classy." I responded, raising an eyebrow and just daring her to challenge me. She didn't. The girl disappeared only to reappear within two seconds holding a wad of Deep lavender material. I gingerly took the silky robe from her and slipped it on. I tied the knot extremely tight so as to keep it from slipping untied. Luckily the robe went down to just below my knees so I was fairly covered. The Fury clicked her tongue at me and physically dragged me down the dark hallway. The floor shook violently and my shoulder slammed into the hard stone walls.
"What the hell was that?" I asked, rubbing my bruised arms gently. The Fury laughed and just calmly resumed walking down the hall as though nothing had happened. I stumbled after her in a confused daze. "That was probably Serian, he doesn't like waiting very much. So unless you want a repeat let's rush this." She answered, sounding rather amused.
I swallowed my attitude and trailed after her. Upon reaching our destination she pulled open a nondescript wooden door and motioned for me to walk in. I did and heard her follow. "Nice of you to take your time Neema. You are dismissed for now." The speaker was female and definitely a Succubus. She was also wearing only a skirt....as in the rest of her was just hanging out in the air. As in her chest was completely bare. To be blunt her boobs were exposed. I peeled my eyes away from the older woman to see the two men in the room. I was extremely relieved to discover they were fully covered in pants. However the reoccurring theme was that none of them had a shirt except for the younger male. Talk about investing in the wrong things.
"Aspen, you resemble your mother so much." The woman spoke again and I decided to act completely unaffected by their lack of appropriate clothing. In fact I was gonna act like they were completely covered in sheets. "Thanks, but I wouldn't know.... never met her." I shrugged, resisting the urge to smirk.
"Cheeky little nymph." One of the men piped up, giving me a thorough once over. I didn't appreciate being called cheeky or being stared at. "Leave the child alone Fallon." Rena chided playfully. The woman had rich red locks and a pale complexion, while, Fallon reminded me of Hunter in a way, piercing eyes, dark hair, and tanned skin. However he was much broader and taller, built like a warrior. They held an aura of ancient knowledge about them which was at odds with their mid twenties appearance. "Can we just cut to the reason I was abducted in the middle of the night and why my friends are hostages?" I snapped angrily.
"Feisty for such an inexperienced creature." The other man stated, his eyes lighting up with interest. He had dark blonde hair and light brown eyes, with tan skin. He had the same warrior build as Fallon but he looked younger, maybe my age. But my annoyance skyrocketed and a surge of power nearly knocked me off of my own feet. My body tingled with the strength coursing through my veins. "I've never seen a newly activated Succubus with such a strong glamor. I can't even see past it." Fallon stood up and approached me. I panicked and a thin vine of power whipped out from me. The crack of my power snapping across his legs was loud, but the thud of Fallon's knees hitting the floor was louder.
"Strong but uncontrolled just like fire." The other man had moved while I was preoccupied. Suddenly he was behind me. I whipped around, flinching away from him. "Serian! Don't touch her!" Rena yelled in exasperation. But her order was useless as he ignored it. His hand snaked out to touch my face, the other wrapped around my waist. I was effectively trapped. Power whipped out and instantly vanished. I gasped in air, legs collapsing beneath me. My power was sucked from my bones, draining out of me faster than I could comprehend. Serian stared into my eyes, his carmel colored orbs seeing straight through me.
Suddenly the draining feeling was gone but I was too weak to move. My fresh feed was useless, even my backup power was tapped out. "Strawberries, that's a new one." Serian mumbled under his breath.
"That, my dear is why you are here." Fallon said, standing up from where he had fallen. "You can't control your powers and you don't even know half of what you are capable of with focus." Rena stated the obvious.
"Get away from me." I snarled, struggling to find the strength to push Serian away from me. Unfortunately I couldn't even stand on my own let alone do anything more than protest. He had fed from me, draining my power and my strength. I had to remove myself before the effects of it kicked in. I was not going to follow him around with puppy eyes and a fake crush. I was not going to be his feeding partner. I was not going to be any Incubi's source of food. My mind was already screaming at me for trying to get away from him. "Stop touching me!" I hissed, using my last bit of strength to push away from him. My butt connected with the floor painfully but I made no sound.
"We can discuss you training tomorrow, I think there has been enough excitement for now. You may see your friends as they will be leaving tonight. I will send in someone so you can feed, but you should rest Aspen." Rena kept her voice soft and comforting but it did nothing to mellow out my anger. Serian reached down to either help me up or pick me up. I didn't care I just exploded. "Don't fucking touch me!" I snapped, hitting his hands back.
"Stop being a little brat or I'll drain you until your unconscious. I'm trying to help you so shut up and accept it." Serian threatened, his expression so dark that I immediately shut my mouth and stopped hitting him. The brute had the nerve to smirk before dropping down to scoop me up. Exhaustion caused my body to tremble lightly and my hormones pumped into overdrive. "I want to kill you." I hissed under my breath at the idiot.
"I think you just want me right now, and that makes you very angry." He whispered into my ear, his breath whooshing against my hair. I deftly moved me elbow and jabbed him in the ribs. I didn't know where he was carrying me let alone where I even was on the island. "You'll pay for that later, girl." He ground out through clenched teeth.
He pushed open a door that led to a room rather similar to my own in the castle. The only difference was the size and the random extra door. I was dropped rather roughly on the large bed without warning. My jaw dropped as I watched the infuriating man walk right up to the random door and open it. From the angle I was at I could see what appeared to be another bedroom. A connected set of bedrooms? Wait, oh no. It was his room. As in we had connected rooms.
I was officially moving into the bathroom so that I could actually lock the door. Serian looked right at me, winked, and then walked right into his bedroom. Not bothering to shut the door. He proceeded to take off his shirt, knowing exactly what he was doing. I mentally kicked myself to avoid drooling over him. I didn't find him attractive, it was just the feeding bond. Right?
I swear he was about to strip more. I rushed to close the door and fell right off the bed face first. I was not trying to touch him at all. I just needed to close that door.
"Hungry?" Serian had the nerve to ask as he walked back into my room and stood over me. I was though, that gut wrenching ache for energy was ripping through my entire body. "Not hungry enough to feed from you." I quipped.
"Well I'm all that's here, princess." Serian leaned down to taunt me. I reached out and grabbed his face, crushing my mouth to his roughly. My body wasted no time in sucking back my power. I was draining back what was rightfully mine. Once I was pleasantly recharged I released the rude Incubus and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. "I knew you wanted me." He smirked, and attempted to kiss me.
"What I want is for you to get out of my face. I was just taking back what was mine." I responded before getting to my feet and walking right out of the room. I closed my eyes and just started walking. Using my power to locate Violet and Colton like a human fish finder. The only thing I wanted more than my friends was a pair of clothes.

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