Love, Hate, Lust

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    Ugh, my neck was throbbing and I was still waiting for an explanation. Warmth was pooling in my stomach, completely at odds with my furious mindset. "I marked you, as in I placed a claim on you. You're mine, I've taken you as my mate." He spoke slowly, as though I were a small child. My mouth twisted into an angry snarl as I scowled.

     "How can I break this claim?" I asked, feeling slightly woozy and a bit horny. I felt his growl rattle through my body loudly. "You are mine! You aren't leaving me, I won't let you undo this. I love you."

      "You don't know me! You are a meal to me, that is it! I hate you, for being so willing to abandon your wife. I hate pushy, possessive werewolves that claim everything on sight!" I screamed at him in fury. His eyes darkened and I felt his wolf struggle to get out. His wolf wanted to jump my bones right then and there to prove his claim over me. The man however resisted the primal urge and tried to convince me that he was right. "We will discuss this later, I'm taking you home so I can clean up your neck." He grabbed my wrist hand gave me a hard tug to get me moving but I stood my ground.

       "No, I refuse to go anywhere with you until the mark is broken." I responded in a venomous tone. He had the nerve to roll his eyes at me, as though I were a stubborn little girl. "If you continue to talk of breaking my claim I will mate with you right here, amid the flowers." His voice was bored and made it impossible to tell if it was a threat.

        "Stay away from me!" I cried out, yanking my arm out of his grasp and making a run for it. This time giving it my all to get away from the mutt. I'd be damned before I was stuck with a married wolf as my significant other. But my hormones were rebelling against every part of me. My body wanted me to feed again to jumpstart my healing and my hormones wanted me to throw myself at him. But my brain was screaming at me to run as fast as possible. Despite the blood trail I was leaving, and the dizziness. My legs burned from the chase and my hair whipped my face repeatedly. I heard a vicious ripping noise and knew he had shifted. Seriph darted past me and I froze in terror, she was going to attack a wolf to protect me. I spun around to stop her but she was already there. My mouth dropped as she lunged violently, sinking her teeth into his shoulder and raking her claws down his chest. The medium sized wolf had a dusty gold pelt with darker brown mixed in.

      I cried out when Seriph was shaken off like a fly, her small size didn't help. She just went further than expected. I didn't expect him to go after her,and sink his jaws into her. I couldn't even see where he had gotten her but my heart dropped when a loud whimper filled the air.  Seriph was down and I wasn't running away, I couldn't even tell my body to move. The wolf approached me at a lazy stroll, as though perfectly confident in his ability to catch me should I give chase again. Once the wolf was two feet away my brain jumped into action again and I forced my legs into movement. I raced through the trees gasping for breath and fighting back tears. And was promptly taken down, I hit the ground hard and struggled for air.

        Within seconds paws turned into hands and I was held down by a very naked male body. I glanced up fearfully and was met with nearly black eyes. The wolf was in complete control and I was screwed. I screamed out as his hands slid under my shirt and grasped into my waist. At the skin to skin contact a wave of lust crashed into me. Causing fire to rage through my abdomen. To silence me he kissed me roughly and I was sent back to Sam attacking me in his room. I kissed him back despite my brain yelling at me to gtfo.

      For a second my brain gained control and I broke the kiss, tilted my face away and screamed out, "Help! Please someone help me! Get away from me!" To say he was pissed would be an I understatement. I had just disrespected his wolf and rejected his advanced. Females were supposed to be submissive and responsive and I had just tried to escape him. His instincts were at war and I was still bleeding from his bite. Somehow my legs had wrapped around him, pressing him closer to me. My body fought to get closer while my mind fought to get me safe and away from my accidental mate.

     "Hey get off the girl!" An angry voice snapped, before the sound of a gun being cocked sounded. I gazed up at a very angry looking older man, he was around forty with a slight beard and brunette hair. He physically removed the aroused wolf-man off of me. I touched the bite mark once again, feeling the warm blood on my palm. How had I not passed out yet?   "This isn't necessary, she's my mate. We had a disagreement and we were making up, that's all old man." The werewolf growled angrily.

     "She didn't sound like she wanted you to touch her. The girl is still bleeding and you want to mate with her? Even though you have a wife that is clearly not this young female?" The old man helped me to my feet and placed me behind him. He was protecting me.

       "This is my fault...." I was interrupted before I could explain about me being a Succubus. "Don't blame yourself for his behaviour, he's the one at fault." The old man glowered at my would be attacker.

       "No, I'm a Succubus. I fed from him without any warning and confused his wolf. I'm not his mate but he marked me when I tried to leave. I just need to break his mark so I can get my fox and go home." I explained quickly, ignoring the growls from the werewolf.

     "She is my mate!"

     "No, honey I'm not. Now you hurt my fox so if I were you I'd shut up, because you might just get punched."

        "Wait, wait, wait a Succubus? You're the new queen? Oh boy, let's just break the mark so I can return you to the castle and get rid of the wolf." The old man grumbled, before inspecting the bite mark on my shoulder. I flinched in pain when he poked it. "Hmm, just a pinch of wolfsbane right on the bite and it should be broken."

      "No!" The werewolf growled whilst pushing the older man away from me. I had a better idea though, I sent my elbow into the werewolf's stomach and then his face. "That was for killing Seriph!" I smiled in triumph.

    "Your fox isn't dead! Just injured, Your Royal Highness." The old man interrupted, and I stopped my attack on the werewolf.  I stood up straight in relief and almost blacked out. "I need to feed or I'm going to pass out. And no offense old man, but I'd rather not leave myself unconscious with him around."
      "Feed from the werewolf until he passes out, then we can break his claim without interference." The old man piped up and I was so dizzy from blood loss that I went along with it. I grabbed the werewolf and began draining him. It tasted wild and possessive, it was fresh and alive. The old man turned my face to the side and sprinkled a dried herb mixture into the bite mark. The bleeding stopped and my skin began to knit back together, the bite healed in minutes. But I kept feeding, craving the dark thrill until the werewolf was on the ground unconscious. And even then I smirked and kicked him a bit. The claim was gone and I was a free Succubus again. "I'm gonna go get my fox and go back home. Thanks for this though, and thank you for getting rid of him for me." I huffed at the helpful man and ran back through the trees. Seriph was a heap of matted fur and dried blood, but she was still breathing and for that I was thankful. I scooped up my furry friend and walked back towards the castle.

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