Dirty Dreams

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I was still in the bedroom, sprawled across the bed haphazardly. Half of the comforter was on the ground and my legs were tangled in the sheets. I felt eyes watching me and I shot up on the bed. My eyes strained to see anything in the dark but I was able to make out a large figure. My skin broke out in goosebumps as chilled air blew into the room. Somehow my clothes had ended up crumpled on the floor next to the bed.
"Serian?" I asked as the person standing at the foot of my bed moved closer. He crawled towards me, amber eyes flashing in the darkness. Dark blond hair fell on his forehead and I scooted back until I was pressed against the headboard.
My eyes locked on the door that separated our rooms. The chair was gone and the door was wide open. When I looked back Serian was right in front of me. His hands grabbed my hips and yanked me underneath his body. My skin sizzled at his touch and that bright yellow energy zinged everywhere his skin touched my own.
"So fragile." He whispered as his fingers skimmed across the various bruises that littered my body. Anger lit up his eyes as he aw the hickies on my neck and chest. There was a faint scar on my shoulder from my previous werewolf attack. Since being thrown into this life my body had been battered and scarred frequently.
In the space between my breasts was a small raised silver line. A scar from Sam's knife. Tiny little scars were up and down my arms from the competition and even my leg had a scar from Jared's teeth.
"Shh." Serian leaned down and kissed my collarbone. I shivered as his lips traveled down my skin. He paused to pull off his shirt and gave me a small smile. Serian claimed my mouth in a soft kiss. I gasped as my power came alive under his touch. Turquoise tendrils swirled through the air around us.
I felt myself kissing him back as my body took control. My back arched and pressed me closer to him. Serian's hands hooked on the elastic band of my underwear. My legs were wrapped around him and my hands slid across his back. It was then I realized he was only wearing boxers and trying to pull my panties off. Panic shot through my body faster than adrenaline and my hands slid to his chest and I tried to push him off.
"No." I said as his mouth landed on my neck to leave a lingering kiss. He used one hand to grab my wrists and forced them above my head.
"Shh," Serian breathed out roughly, using his free hand to yank the thin black material down my legs.
My body jerked against his in fear as I bucked my hips to get away. "Stay." He ordered before releasing my wrists. I tried to move, to run away but my body stayed frozen. His words made it impossible to scream or move. My heart thundered inside of my chest and I was hyperventilating in terror.
He sat up and pulled my underwear all the way down my legs before tossing them on the floor. With slow movements he unhooked my bra and tossed that aside as well. Tears blurred my vision as I trembled beneath his stare. At least with Sam I had been able to fight back and move my own body. This was terrifying, maybe more so than Sam's attacks. I was trapped inside of my own body as the Incubus touched me.
"You're beautiful." Serian said as he eyed my entire body. I watched in frozen horror as he pulled of his boxers and placed his hands on my thighs. "You're mine." His words stopped my heart and I was ripped from my body.

I jolted awake with my skin slicked in sweat. Serian was on top of me completely naked and aroused. This time though I could move my body and I shoved him off of me and the bed. He hit the floor with a pained grunt. I quickly yanked the sheets around my body.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I screamed at him. He stood up off the floor and sulked. Serian opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off. "You went into my head and took over my fucking dream so that you could sleep with me and I would just think it was a dream! You came in here and undressed me while I slept! What is your fucking problem?" I snarled, the turquoise energy around me darkened with my rage.
"You're mine! I want you, I want all of you." He snapped in my face. His eyes were burning but I was too furious to care.
"I'm not yours so don't fucking touch me. Get out. Now!" I didn't even care that I was as naked as the day I was born, I climbed off of the bed and pushed him out of the bedroom. I locked the door and put my clothes back on. A glance at my phone told me it was four in the morning.
While I was exhausted and craving sleep I could trust that my dreams would be safe. Instead I called my human mother. Then I called Sasha. Neither gave me an excuse to hop on a plane and leave the island. I was stuck here until I could control my powers and stop draining myself so quickly.
I waited several hours before leaving my room from breakfast. Neema was waiting in the hallway and she led me to the dining hall. I was forced to sit between Rena and Serian once again. I nibbled at the food on my plate and avoided all possible physical contact. A blonde girl sat on Serian's opposite side and she flirted with him shamelessly.
"I'm available...if you are hungry, Serian." She whispered into his ear as her fingers touched his forearm.
"No thanks." He responded before peeling her hand off of him. I could feel him watching me but I refused to acknowledge his existence by making eye contact. "What do you mean? You haven't fed from anyone in days." She pouted, the whine audible in her voice.
"I want only her. You do not matter to me at all, Selena." He touched my arm and pulled me towards him roughly.
"I don't want you." I spat at him before removing his hand from my arm and leaving the table. Rena gasped in surprise but I was gone before anyone could stop me. Neema found me in the entertainment room I had last seen my friends in.
"That wasn't a smart idea, Aspen." She sighed and sat next to me on the couch.
"I think I got my message across rather well." I grumbled sourly.
"Denying a man will only make him want you more. It is dangerous to play with an Incubus like that. You won't win." Neema held my hand between hers tightly.
"I'm not playing hard to get, Neema. I don't want to be owned and I certainly don't want to give my cherry pie to a sex demon." She laughed at my joke but the smile didn't reach her eyes.
"I hope you don't need sleep anytime soon.. that's how they trap you."
"Can I stay in your room with you? I don't want to make things easy if he continues trying to capture me." The Fury nodded and I had a friend immediately.
"Just don't snack on me." She smiled and together we watched a movie. Neema was the only one I felt safe around so I was going to glue myself to her side until I could return home. It was the only way to keep myself safe and avoid anymore close calls.

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