Garden Gargoyle

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A chill had crept into the air as the sun began its descent. I was perched on a stone bench in the castle garden when a familiar feeling set in. A dark shiver crawled up my spine and I glanced around unnerved. No one was there but something felt off. I was being watched but I couldn't tell who they were or where they were.
"This crap is getting old." I grumbled bitterly as I stood up. Goosebumps broke out across my skin like a supernatural detection sixth sense. My dress caught in the breeze and blew back to expose my legs entirely. A curse spewed from my lips as I quickly pulled the fabric back to cover my legs. With my gaze down the thing watching me took advantage of the distraction. The snap of leathery wings jerked my attention up. Rough stone skin was cracked and eroded away drastically in places on the creature above me. It sat heavily on a tree limb the groaned under the weight. "A gargoyle?!" I sputtered out in realization as I recognized the beast.
  I'd seen them at every castle I'd been to, including my own. Of course, the only ones I thought could move were from animated movies. Not once had I seen the stone creatures move. This one was much older than the ones I was used to seeing and the age showed through crumbled limbs and cracked features.
  "His Majesty has sent me to deliver a message to you, Miss Aspen." The gargoyle spoke in a guttural and grating voice that was similar to rubbing stone against itself. "If you return with me there will be no spilt blood."
  "Luke? Did he really think that asking me would make me want to run back to that hell?" I muttered half to myself. He'd done nothing but hurt me and yet he thought I'd willingly return? I was never one for large groups and I certainly wasn't going to join his harem. My powers were only growing stronger the more I used them. I was too powerful to be another woman he controlled. A Succubus was a valuable tool but that wasn't going to be my life.
  My mother had been a tool and so had my aunt. In the end none of us had truly been in control. We were used to build relationships and gain allies for someone else. I'd been offered money to use my powers to help another species take control of others. My power of persuasion and obsession allowed me to gain support and allies easily. I wasn't going to use them to force others to agree to help me. If my beliefs weren't strong enough to persuade someone to help I didn't earn that help.
  "The King will be merciless in battle. There will be no survivors if you refuse." Grumbling drew my attention back to the gargoyle. With the leathery skin of it's wings stretched out dust fell. A loud snap of movement and the stone creature had taken flight to glide down to the ground. It stood in front of me with a proud pose. The gargoyle was surprisingly tall and came up to my chest while sitting.
  "Is that a threat that he'll kill my friends? Am I truly that important that he'd go to war just to possess me again? He has the same abilities that I do. I am not necessary." I reasoned sourly as a breeze blew through the garden and shook the trees.
  "None of his concubines can produce an heir." He rasped out seriously. I fought the urge to audibly gag.
  "So, I'm just needed because I can create more Succubi? Doesn't that just make me feel special?" I spat aggressively as my hands fisted in the material of my dress. Popping out kids wasn't something I planned to do anytime soon. In fact I wasn't even sure I wanted to have children at all. I'd never been in a serious relationship for very long and I was far too young to have a kid. I was still very much a child myself at times. Sure, I had a kingdom but that was more than enough responsibility for now.
  "Are you coming with me?" The gargoyle asked and his long stone claws scraped against the cobblestones. A bitter smile pulled at my lips.
"No. You tell Luke to ask his brother just how threatening me turns out. I'm going to kick his ass into next week if he even looks at any of the people here." I vowed darkly before standing and walking away from the gargoyle. After a few steps I turned but the stony monster was gone. The only evidence of the encounter were the claw marks gouged into the ground from the creature's steps.
  I rushed through the garden of flowers to get to the safety of my room. My pace quickened when my gaze caught on multiple stone figures atop the castle. I took the wrong turn in the floral maze and nearly ran into a perfectly inanimate statue. A startled squeal escaped my lips and my hands flew to my chest to rest above my pounding heart. I was more than a bit paranoid from the encounter. A loud yip broke through the haze just a second before Seriph ran full force into my legs.
  "Oof! You can't walk through people." I grunted out as I fought to keep my balance. The little fox weaved through my legs and bumped me affectionately with her head. A smile twisted up my mouth as I bent down to scratch behind her ears. "Let's go inside." I said after a paranoid glance around.
Seriph and I walked back to the castle without any trouble. There were no creatures popping out to deliver threats or attack us. However, the encounter with the gargoyle was enough to convince me that I probably wasn't safe anywhere. It had been far too easy for Luke to send the gargoyle, just how easy would it be for him to send something that wouldn't let me decline the offer. He'd kidnapped me once and would definitely do so again.
"Aspen, dinner is ready." Arabella called at me from across the hall before skipping over to intertwine her arm with my own. She led me towards the dining hall with pleasant chatter. The gargoyle visit slipped from my mind as she spoke animatedly. Everyone was already seated at tables when we arrived. Arabella sat next to me as I settled into my usual seat next to Jasper. Killian kept a heated stare on me throughout the entire meal. I was able to ignore it because of the distraction my friends provided. It was amazing to be surrounded by them again. A sense of safety had finally begun to form with their presence. No matter what they'd always support me and I'd missed that. The unwavering belief they had in me was unparalleled.
  "Would you accompany me on a flight this evening, Aspen?" Jasper's question roused me from my thoughts and I looked over to see him watching me intently.
  "Okay, but if you drop me I will beat you bloody." I promised with a savage smirk on my face. His lips twitched up in amusement as a mischievous look filled his eyes. My own gaze narrowed dangerously.
  "I will not drop you." He grinned suspiciously. I regretted agreeing as it seemed likely he was going to drop me from the sky again just for kicks and giggles. The overgrown lizard had a sadistic streak.
  "Surprisingly I don't believe you." I snorted skeptically.
  "Fair enough." Jasper laughed in response. Dinner finished relatively quickly after that and I went to my room to change afterward. Violet, Arabella and I spoke for a bit as I changed out of the revealing dress and into a pair of leggings and a tank top I'd borrowed from Violet. It was comforting to be wearing normal clothes again. But that sense of comfort diminished when Jasper came to get me for the flying session. He was beginning to make me very terrified of heights.

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