True Nature

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Rena pulled me into a large room and immediately something wasn't right. The floor changed from solid to squishy underneath my feet and I had trouble keeping my balance. It felt as though we were walking on a large bed but the material covering the floor appeared to be suede like a couch.
Instead of regular furniture there was a multitude of giant cushions and pillows. This was one room I did not want to use a black light in. Although I could not smell anything there was leftover sexual energy everywhere. It wasn't enough to feed from but was still noticeable.
   "Take a seat." She motioned around the room and sat down on the malleable ground herself. I followed suit and sat across from her. "Now, I'm surprised you have such control over your hunger at such an early stage. It is extremely uncommon although not impossible."
    "I only feed when I'm hungry." I shrugged, not really understanding what the issue was with my diet.
"Okay, well you should be hungry constantly but you're not." Rena was hinting at something but I wasn't sure what she wanted me to figure out.
"Are you suggesting that I have an energy eating disorder?" My lips twitched upward in a small smile.
"No of course not. I am just trying to understand what I can help you with while you are here. It is my job to help you assimilate to your new self." The redhead leaned forward and grabbed hold of my hand. She squeezed it in a reassuring way and then released me from her grip.
"I have no problems with staying in control of my hunger, however I do have trouble staying charged. I can't keep a tight grasp on my powers so I burn out quickly." I responded, choosing my words carefully. I didn't trust my own kind even if they were helping me for the time being. My phone vibrated inside of my bra and I fished it out. Four new text messages.
Hunter was agitated and demanding to know what was going on. Colton has texted me as well asking if I was okay. And violet had texted twice to see if I felt safe. I sent a group text informing my friends and my advisors that I was safe and busy for the time being. I then turned my phone on silent and stuck it back inside of my bra.
"I'm assuming that was you friends. I hope you told them nothing is wrong." Rena didn't look too pleased at the idea of my texting them.
"They were just checking up on me, everything is fine." I shrugged my shoulders feeling uneasy at her intense stare.
"I understand Aspen. This island is home to many of our kind and safety is my first priority, you must see that I worry about other species finding out our location and preventing sanctuary for new generations."
I nodded in agreement seeing true concern on Rena's face. Pangs of hungry prickled inside of me as the room fell silent. "I'm sure you must be hungry, my son drained a lot out of you the other day. Let me find someone for you." Rena stood up and walked over to one of the walls. On it was a small screen that she tapped repeatedly. Then she spoke, requesting three people to come to our location.
I was surprised when two human men were led into the room by an unfamiliar Incubus. There was no way either human would survive being fed from and Rena knew that. This had to be a test.
"Take your pick Aspen." Rena motioned towards the men with an exaggerated hand movement.
"I'll pa-" I was interrupted as someone angrily stomped into the room. The pangs had turned into incessant clawing but I was not going to kill people just because I was peckish.
"She will not be feeding from any of them, Mother." It was Serian and he was not happy. Just as I processed that it was him he had crossed the room and grabbed me. I was yanked to my feet roughly and pulled flat against his chest. Energy crackled around him, it was angry and red.
My knees trembled as my hunger intensified. The whirling energy was like the smell of a fresh meal and I was suddenly starving.
"What do you mean Serian? She needs to feed." Rena look annoyed but kept her voice clear and calm.
"She will feed from me and not from two humans. They wouldn't survive as she is incapable of controlling how much she takes away. Keep your toys alive this time and allow me to teach the new Succubus how to feed correctly." Serian tightened his grip on me and I was practically inhaling his shirt instead of oxygen. My hands gripped the hem of my shirt tightly to avoid touching him more. I was starting to lose my control over the raw hunger. I did not want to reveal that I could feed from a distance but I was tempted to as I fought the pain eating away at my insides.
"I could never say no to you, Honey. You may be her feeding partner." Rena smiled at her son completely ignoring the fact that I clearly was not agreeing to this proposition. "Let us leave so you can have privacy." Rena snapped her fingers and the Incubus and human men followed her. The door clicked shut behind her and I was still trapped against the idiot.
I fought the urge to bite him and settled on just flailing to get out of his grasp. I was attempting my best impression of a fish out of water but it wasn't helping me. "Let go of me." I hissed into his shirt. My jaw was clenched tight and my limbs were trembling.
   "Stop fighting already. You need to feed and I know it." Serian kept one hand wrapped around me and used the other to jerk my face up. I glared into his dark eyes and shook my head in disagreement. I was starving but I was not going to feed from him. I couldn't risk anyone becoming attached because of my powers. I fully intended on leaving and entangling myself with the leader's son was not going to work in my favor.
With a surge of strength I pushed myself out of his grip and stumbled back. I tripped over my own feet and landed on my butt, bouncing lightly off of the floor. He advanced towards me and I scrambled back. My back hit a pillow and I slipped. Serian caught me easily. I was disoriented and hungry, easy prey for anyone really.
"I'm not feeding from you." I snarled in his face when he pinned me down. He looked surprised by my determined outburst but he remained unfazed.
"Why not? Serian asked while touching my face with his fingers.
"I don't like you." My response was not what he expected and he actually laughed in my face.
"That doesn't mean anything. You'll like me after you've fed." He was confident that there would be a connection and I was confident that wouldn't ever happen. Before I could think of a scathing remark something tugged at me. My muscles went limp and I had to bite back a gasp as hunger ripped my apart. I felt the tugs draining on me and my control.
"Stop it, you're feeding from me." I hissed through clenched teeth. My control was the tiniest sliver in my hands. One small breeze and it would float away. That breeze was his mouth crushing mine.
His energy had changed from that intense angry red to a bright yellow. It was fierce and demanding. I kissed him back feeling the real tendrils of my own power reach out and wrap around the yellow star of energy.
My hands snaked around his chest and my nails dug into his back. My body moved of it's own volition and it wanted to be close to him.
I felt his smile against my lips as his hands trailed down my sides. My body was glowing with power that kept intensifying. Serian pulled my hair free from the ponytail and threw my hair tie across the room. He had pulled away and my body ached as the physical contact was broken. I felt possessed as my body moved. With strength I shouldn't have had I managed to roll us over. I felt my lips lift up in a victorious grin as I leaned down and kissed him. My body was on fire with tingles and I felt free.
His hands slid underneath my shirt and skimmed my skin softly. I was a shooting star, burning up too quickly. My vision was blinded by the colorful swirls of energy bouncing between us chaotically. In the short span of time it took for me to pull back and breathe he had rolled us over and trapped me underneath him once again. I was breathing as though I had run a marathon even though I hadn't physically exerted myself at all.  My skin burned and pulsed with bright turquoise energy, I felt invincible with power. I was clearly full but this feeling, the intense energy I didn't want to stop.
    As Serian leaned down to kiss my neck the fuzzy haze in my brain settled. I felt intoxicated and liberated all at once. It needed to stop. I didn't trust him and I certainly didn't want to keep touching him. But I did, I wanted to keep touching him so badly. I wanted to be burnt by the power zinging between us. I felt as helpless as a moth drawn to a flame. He tugged the string holding my shirt together and it unraveled. Lips traveled down my chest in a trail of feather light kisses the left me scorched.
    "Stop." I whispered, fighting my body just to come to my senses. I was full and done with him. But he just stared into my eyes and continued kissing down my tensed stomach. My limbs felt like jello and I struggled to left up my arms. I pushed him away weakly and he paused. Serian sat up slowly and watched me tremble with energy. I was too charged to move my own body without intense concentration. "I'm full so stop touching me." I sounded breathless despite taking the time to gulp down air.
    "I'm not full." He responded before dipping his head down and capturing my mouth in another dizzying kiss. Sparks of power tingled across my skin like static electricity. My fingers found their way into his hair and suddenly I was kissing him back.
   I felt his hands slide down and  his thumbs looped around the top of my pants. Serian was grinning against my mouth when he tugged my pants lower on my hips. I could feel that he was turned on as he pressed closer to me. My hands slid down his back and I practically ripped his shirt off of him.
    He unbuttoned my pants and adrenaline rushes through my bloodstream. I was suddenly back inside of that awful house with Sam grabbing my body. I turned my head breaking the kiss and pushed Serian off of me. My entire body was shaking and I needed to run.
    "You're done." I choked out before yanking my shirt closed and retying it. I quickly got to my feet and darted out of the room. My hair was a mess and I was too filled with energy to calm down and collect my thoughts. I was moving, my body functioning on panic and autopilot. I bumped into someone but kept going, not looking to see who it was. I was deaf to Serian yelling after me as I ran. I had no clue where I was going but my body wouldn't give me back control until I felt safe. Until the sensation of Sam's hands on my body was gone. He wasn't even in my life anymore and I was still broken. Still afraid of him and what he promised he would do to me. I couldn't even kill the demons in my head no matter how hard I had tried. My body stopped moving and the wind battered against my skin. Salt stung my eyes as my feet sank into sand. I was somehow outside on the beach and very alone.

Fix Me Up (Unknown Succubus Series book 2)Where stories live. Discover now