Mates Are a Messy Matter

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"No we are not mates, you rejected me three years ago to mate with Malec. Because he is the leader of the Pride and I am not, you stated I was not worthy of you." Hunter growled from behind me and the plot thickened. This world had more drama than high school!

"It was a mistake! I know that now, please Hunter let me fix this."

"No, it is too late. I am mating with Aspen, you are no longer my mate Seraphina." Hunter scowled at the shocked woman. She cried out in agony at his words. "Um what?" I asked, and was ignored by everyone but Malec.

"Hunter has started the mating process with you, beautiful."

"What! No, he knows I am not okay with anything even semi-permanent."

"You're mating with a Succubus!?" Seraphina shrieked.

"Yes, she is a strong, beautiful, independent, and powerful female. She is the ideal mate and I am not letting that pass me by." Hunter snarled back.

"Does no one care about my opinion?"

"I do." Malec was once again the only one listening to me.

"I am your mate!"

"You lost that title, female."

"How could you replace me with her?"

"I once asked you that question when you left me for my brother, do you remember the answer you gave me?"

"Yes, that he was a better match for me than you could ever be." She whispered sadly.

"Ouch, this is harsh." I muttered to Malec.

"Leave Seraphina, you are not welcome at Thrinshield." Hunter dismissed his ex-mate and turned back to me. He stepped towards me and I threw my hands up angrily.

"No! You began your mating process without my consent, stay away from me! You know exactly how I feel about being forced into things and you still did it. You know what, you and her belong together. I refuse to let you use me to replace her!" I exploded, and then left the shifter group before he could respond. I decided the vampires were a safe bet for now.

At least they couldn't force a mating process on me. I had just entered the vampire side of the room when something bit me. I looked down to find a dart poking out of my thigh. An assassination attempt, really? Now this is just getting tacky. My eyes landed on my attacker, Seraphina. But she had disappeared in seconds. Drake was blocking my view by standing in front of me. My vision went blurry and my knees buckled as he greeted me. The world spun as he managed to catch me. "No need to be so dramatic when you swoon." He smirked down at me, as arrogant as ever.

"I didn't swoon you jackass, I just got darted by that shifter bitch." I groaned, holding the dart in my white knuckled hands. Drake plucked the dart from my hand and sniffed it, then proceeded to laugh. "She drugged you with a Spanish plant that usually kills shifters, you on the other hand will be fine. You'll just feel extremely drunk and hungry. I'll send guards to hunt down Hunter's little friend." Drake called over guards and almost immediately Colton was in front of me.

"What's wrong? Who drugged you? Can you hear me, Aspen? Where is Hunter?" Colton murmured questions whilst stroking my cheek softly. My eyelashes fluttered lazily as I watched his emotions. "Hunter's ex-mate wasn't too happy with the fact that he had started the fucking mating process with me, I'm so pissed off at that jerk. And now I'm drugged and I can't even stand on my own!" I snapped, slurring my words slightly. Colton took me from Drake and helped me towards the hallway but my eyes locked onto two familiar people.

"Gage and Violet like each other! They're dancing together and she's blushing at whatever he is whispering into her ear!" I gasped, causing Colton to stop and look at them. Hunter swooped in and growled at Colton. I watched them have an angry fight over me and saw a flash of blonde hair moving towards us. Ash had come up to us. "You need to stop with the werewolf prostitution! It's wrong and females deserve to have rights too!" I grumbled at him, with a sloppy glare.

"Is she hammered? Wait, do I smell cat in her scent? Hunter!" And more arguing began. Even Sam walked up and began snapping at the others for getting me drunk. Apparently I needed to be babysat because they wouldn't let me walk away. "Would you all just shut up! You're making my head pound!" Instantly the arguing stopped, Sasha walked up with a sour expression.

"Hunter you're kicked out of her room, someone make sure the person who darted Aspen gets caught, and all of you need to grow up and act like adults. I'm taking her majesty to her room so if any of you cause trouble I will eat you alive. Come on sweetie, let's get you to bed." Sasha helped me to the hallway, ignoring the boys.

"Can I reverse a mating?" I mumbled sleepily.

"What do you mean?"

"Hunter started the mating process without my consent."

"That idiot! We'll talk about this once your sober, for now just forget about it." Sasha opened my door and left me to change out of my clothes. A familiar bark alerted me to Seriph in my room. Sasha had left a note along with a water bottle and some pain medication. My door was locked and I curled up in my bed with my little fox. My thought were a muddled mess. But the one coherent message was...who would've thought mates were such a messy matter? Then I was asleep, well passed out and drugged actually. It had been awhile since it was just my foe and myself in my room alone. She didn't like Hunger and most nights he was in my room she would sleep on the floor and glare at him. She was a good judge of character apparently. Better than I was at the very least.

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