Political Sanctuary

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Things needed to change and obviously I was the only person willing to fight for the much needed change. But it was so exhausting mentally, physically, even emotionally. Did I even have emotions anymore? Since becoming a Succubus I had been attracted to multiple creatures simultaneously. Maybe I needed to actually meet more of my kind to find out what was going on with me. Especially if I want to be with someone long term, I mean I could accidentally kill them just because I felt a little too frisky. The books I had been reading hinted at many hidden Succubi sanctuaries. Places where young and newly transformed Succubi like me stayed and learned from experienced teachers. But the books also allowed me to glimpse into what I should be like. Out of my mind with the raw need to feed, an intense urge to rip the life force from those around me, my features changing constantly and uncontrollably. Basically a slut on an acid trip. Which meant I was no where close to normal even for a supernatural creature. Which was just peachy for me.
"You don't want to go there." Sasha's voice startled me, the heavy book fell from my lap and thumped onto the floor. The open pages revealing a picture of an island filled with Succubi and Incubi. "I need to know more about what I am. What I can do, before I can even attempt to fix this place. According to this I could spontaneously kill everyone just because I got peckish! I have to find out everything I can about myself. I feel like everyone knows more about what I am than I do! I can't afford to remain naive and ignorant about this, it's a weakness. One that has been exploited before and won't be again." I exploded, unable to keep the desperation and frustration out of my voice.
"You're the newest Succubus in over a century but you're the most powerful I've ever met. Your species is a jealous breed, they won't receive you happily. You have an extraordinary amount of control that exceeds some of the Succubi residing there. The students there are centuries old and still too insane to mix with society. They're killers. You're a different breed of Succubus as was your mother. That is why she didn't send you there but instead placed you with humans." Sasha sounded stressed but I needed to know. I had to see for myself what my species was capable of.
"I'll take Violet, Jared, Colton, and Clarice. I won't be alone so I'll be safer." I assured her softly, my favorite advisor nodded with a strained expression. But I didn't notice as a rush of excitement swept through me. I'd finally be able to meet others like me besides my twisted aunt. Maybe I'd learn how to control the energy around me so that I wasn't so magnetic to males. Sasha left me in peace and I scooped up the book again, tracing the shapes on the page with my fingertips. I sighed in contentment. But a loud knock broke my serenity, as did the werewolf that walked into the room. "Ash." I glanced at the wolf man suspiciously.
"Aspen, I've been trying to talk to you for days now." Is what comes out of his mouth when he walks up to me. I set my book down on the table next to me and take a deep breath.
"I apologize I've just been extremely busy. What can I help you with?" I ask in a honey sweet voice.
"I would like to formally request you as my mate." He says calmly and quickly.
"Oh..uh huh......wait what?" I trip over my words and feel as though I swallowed my tongue in shock. Mate? But what about the girl he was with a few days ago? What about him losing the competition? What about me rejecting him in his own house?!
"I want you as my mate." He repeats his point in different words. So far werewolves were off the dating list do to the permanent mate thing, and the prostitution, and the polygamy support. Werewolves were just dogs in my opinion. "I already have too much of my own stuff to fix before I can go straighten up the werewolf system. Try someone else." I responded in a dismissive but polite tone. Keeping my features locked into a neutral expression. It wasn't too long ago that he had pinned me to a wall and told me that he'd drag me back in chains and kill whoever helped me escape him. He was much like Sam with his possessive and controlling nature, but he had never physically, mentally, or emotional abused me. Sam had no hope for redemption. Ash could be saved if someone could just give him a helpful shove in the right direction. I wasn't going to be that person. I already had my own mission and I wasn't going to allow myself any distractions. Especially since the last distraction had tried to kill me with a dart because I stole her mate.
"I want you. The only one that could ever be my mate is you." He had the edge to his voice and I was suddenly aware of how alone we were in this dim library. I stood up from my chair and inched towards the door, keeping eye contact with the wolf. Luckily his phone went off just then.
"Yes, what is it Aidan?" He snapped into the phone. There was a pause then, "What do you mean you let your human mate escape?! Seattle! Not only did she make it out of your territory but she managed to hightail it to Rhyn's territory! I'll see what I can arrange, otherwise you will have to get her back yourself." With that he hung up. I felt a tug on my insides, as though I should learn more about that situation. But it was a werewolf problem and I didn't have time to look into it.
"Ash, we'll talk when I get back. I have to go." I croaked out before ducking out of the library and running to my room. I needed to leave now, before more distractions took up my time. I informed Clarice to tell Violet, Jared, and Colton to pack. And within an hour Gage, Violet, Jared, Colton, Clarice, Hunter, and I were strapped into a private jet and on our way to one of the secret Succubi sanctuaries. Being a queen certainly had its perks and this was definitely one of them.

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