Forever Friends

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I found my friends relatively quickly. Which basically means I literally found them after wondering past a few hallways and ending up in some entertainment room. Let's just say my species needed to step up their technology game. There wasn't even a t.v. just a large piano and some old style board games. The most disappointing thing had to be the fact that the room was the perfect size for three simultaneous games of Twister.
    "Violet!" I screeched, my voice resembling a pterodactyl in mating season. Gage, Violet, Jared, Colton, Clarice, and Hunter jumped at my scream and practically tripped over each other in an attempt to stand up from the couch they were on. Gage had an arm wrapped around Violet's waist despite the fact she was trying to run towards me. "Aspen, are you okay? What did they do?" Colton questioned, scanning my body for any obvious signs of torture. What a life to live, torture, blood, guts just the whole works on a day to day basis.
    "I'm fine, but I can't leave with you guys. I know that none of us hold even a bit of trust for my species but they're the only ones that can teach me to control my powers. Especially if new ones arise. Besides that I need to do some recon on this place. Something is definitely going on here." I answered, my brow furrowed in concentration. Violet looked horrified by my words but seemed unable to choke out the words shining in her eyes. Hunter had no such problem keeping his mouth shut. "Are you insane?! It's too dangerous for you to be alone with them! You can't protect yourself from them." He grumbled sourly.
     "I think I've done a pretty good job so far." I defended myself with a dark glare. He was still treading on thin ice and it was starting to crack. Colton placed a hand on my shoulder to calm me. I didn't want to leave off on a bad note and I was grateful Colton understood me. "I don't believe it's a good idea but it's your choice to make." Jared spoke up, supporting me through another situation. Clarice looked relieved to be leaving and returning to her home. But Violet was torn between wanting to be with Gage and staying with me.
   But she deserved happiness and I wasn't going to stand in the way, besides I didn't want my ass getting bit by an angry vampire. "I'll be fine, I can text and call daily. I'll keep you guys updated on the weird shit going on here." I said, not only to reassure myself but also them.
    "Found you." The voice behind me had ice freezing my stomach. My skin tingled and I knew a fight was going to break out. Serian walked into the room, his eyes scanning all of my friends. When his eyes latched onto Colton's hand still touching me he frowned. "A vampire? Honestly, I assumed you had better taste than that." Serian then locked eyes on Clarice, eyeing the small girl like she was prey. I instinctively moved to block her from his view.
    "I'm sure he feels the same way about you. Now why are you here?" I snapped in annoyance.
    "Just wanted to observe and make sure you are not plotting to leave with your friends." Serian stared straight through me with his intense stare. Hunter released a jealous hiss, and pushed me behind himself. "Don't look at her." He snarled, muscles twitching with the urge to shift.
     "A shifter? Cute." Serian bit out, the ground trembled beneath our feet violently. "Your being a bit territorial over her, but she is obviously not yours." He just rubbed salt into an open wound.
    "That doesn't mean I'll ever consider you either." I sassed, lifting one side of my mouth up into a smirk. The glare he sent me had my stomach quivering and I bit my tongue to stay quiet.
"Clearly it is time for your friends to leave as they seem to be causing trouble already." Serian was not at all pleased with my attitude and that made me nervous. He could drain me with a single touch which was something I wanted to avoid at all costs.
"I haven't even been in here for five minutes to say bye." I snapped angrily at the rude Incubus.
"Well maybe you should behave if you want privileges to be given to you." He was smug and I wanted to claw his eyes out when he turned to eye Violet like a steak. Gage pulled her back protectively and flashed a bit of fang.
"Can you just leave me alone to say goodbye already?" I approached him confidently and even tried to be intimidating. I failed miserably considering I was tiny and shaking in anger like a damn chihuahua.
"You have ten minutes before they will be put back in that plane and removed from the island." Serian sounded pissed but thankfully did leave the room. I felt him hovering outside in the hallway but easily ignored his presence. He was raised as a prissy prince but I was still a queen with anger issues.
"As I was saying I will keep in contact and get the hell out of dodge the second I need to. I just want to find out what is going on with me and this place." I spoke to my friends and only loud enough for them to hear.
"I don't trust him." Jared glared at the open door and I watched his upper lip curl into a snarl.
"None of us trust him. You should leave with us, it's obviously not safe here." Colton hugged me tight despite Hunter's hissing.
"I'll be here a week max don't worry about me I can take care of myself. Besides nothing is worse than Sam."
"Just stay safe." Violet whispered into my ear when she hugged me tightly. It seems I only had the time to hug all of my friends including Hunter before it was time for them to get back on the plane and back to safety.
They all said there goodbyes before Ren appeared and led them away from me. I tried to follow but Serian stopped me. Seriph was still healing from the stupid werewolf attack so I didn't even have my fox with me after they were gone. I was completely alone on an island with creatures that could drain me unconscious an minutes. To say this wasn't my smartest idea would be an understatement. I was still physically drained and mentally fried so I just walked back into my assigned bedroom and curled up on the comfortable bed. I locked the bedroom door and lodged a chair against the connecting door to keep Serian out. Then I blissfully fell into a sleep that was uninterrupted and Incubus free.

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