Lunch Date

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I allowed Luke to lead me through the stupid castle by the hand. Upon entering the dining hall I saw a table filled with about nine females all of which were attractive and supernatural. Eyes burned holes through me and I knew I looked like a mess. My clothes were wrinkled and my hair was mussed.
"Over here." Luke dragged me past the table of women and directly into the middle table.
"Aspen!" A familiar voice squealed in happiness. I turned and had a small child throw himself around my legs. "I missed you so much!" Christian yelled into my thighs.
I bent down and scooped him up. "Oh, I missed you too, Christian." I kissed his cheek and hugged him tightly.
"Christian you know not to make a scene, return to the table and finish your food." Luke peeled the little boy from my grasp and sent him back to the table. I glared at him when he reached from my hand again.
"Grab that little boy away from me one more time and see what happens." I hissed in his ear as he placed me in the empty seat between Sam and himself.
"New pet, Luke?" A red haired man across the table asked in an amused tone.
"For now she is." Luke had the nerve to caress my cheek like I was a damn trophy to show off.
"Please don't touch me." My voice was honey sweet with a bite of venom. Sam's hand was on my thigh underneath the table and I picked up my fork and glared at him. It was a warning he ignored. Luke gave me a hard stare but it was too late. My arm jerked down and the fork speared through Sam's hand as it slid closer to my hip. He yelped and tore his hand back.
    "Aspen." Luke hissed at me, fury darkening his eyes.
   "I gave a fair warning...the next person to touch me without my consent will end up with much worse than a fork in their hand." I countered, staring Luke down.
    "Rather fierce to be your type." The same man piped up once again. Sam pulled the fork out of his hand and eyed me with silent rage. Luke on the other hand looked annoyed and a bit bored.
    "I don't see how that concerns you, Brett." Luke gave him a pointed stare and the other man backed down. Then he turned back to me. "Eat something of I'll force feed you." He snapped.
    I nibbled on the food on my plate and glared at anyone who made eye contact. "I'll get you back for that, you have to sleep sometime." Sam whispered in my ear, the threat caused a sliver of dread to shiver up my spine.
   "And I will kill you...for good this time." I hissed under my breath.
     "Eat. You're not a rabbit so take a real bite." Luke ordered, pointing at my hardly touched plate. I was tempted to throw the plate at his face but considering I was in a house filled with demons I was going to have to pass on that idea.
"I need my phone. Unless you want to start a pointless war I need to text my friends." I sighed and continued to nibble at the food. I knew Luke had my phone, he took it from my pocket when he buckled me into the helicopter. "Fine, you can use it but you're not keeping it." He slid my phone out of his pocket and set it on the table.
I was quick to grab it and send a group text to my advisors and friends. I'm safe. Change of location though, I'll keep you updated. If I don't respond hunt down Sam and his brother. Almost immediately my phone rang. But the caller wasn't one of the people I had texted, it was my mom.
"Hey!" I answered the call despite the glare Luke gave me.
"Honey, I haven't heard from you in a few days, are you okay?" Her voice was concerned and familiar. She made me feel safe and normal even though I clearly wasn't.
"I'm fine for now, just my fourth... or is it my fifth time being kidnapped? Anyway it's not a problem right now." I responded, a smug little smirk tugging up my lips. "That sounds like a problem, Aspen! Where are you? Who has you?" Her voice raises and was audible to those close to me.
"Sam's older brother took me from that island with all the Succubi and Incubi. Oh, did I tell you that I got grabbed by a mermaid too. She sold me to these two twins. Weird situation I know. But Matthias helped me out so it all worked out." I was rambling but I just wanted to talk to someone that I trusted.
"Wait, you're with Sam? Get out of there now." She hissed into the phone.
"Technically Sam is here , but Christian is here too and I am not abandoning him to become a mini version of either of his brothers."
"Aspen..." Luke's tone was hard and threatening, but I wasn't concerned.
"Do you mind? I'm talking to my mom so shut up." I snapped and surprisingly he did. I knew everyone was listening to me speak but I was past caring about that.
"Sweetie, how is Hunter?" She changed the subject as if sensing the dangerous water I was treading.
"Mom." I sighed into the phone, not ready to open up that can of worms.
"I like him, he hasn't hurt you and he is a very attractive shifter." She was smiling, I could hear it in her voice. A hand wrapped around my thigh and squeezed. My eyes shot up and Luke was glaring at me in anger.
"I'll keep that in mind, Mom. I have to go now. Text me tonight and please don't call Hunter and tell him I need saving." The hand loosened on my leg as I wrapped up the phone call.
"I love you, bye honey. I'll talk to you soon." My mother sounded sad.
"Bye, Mom. I love you too." I hung up and the phone was snatched from my hand.
"That was the human who raised you?" Luke asked, his hand still on my leg.
"She's my mom."
"No, she's a human. She belongs in the human world, you should not be speaking with her."
"That human is my mother and if she calls me I am going to talk to her. Now you might not understand what a healthy relationship is considering your family but you have no right to concern yourself with who I keep in my life." I was seething in anger, no one would make me cut off all ties with the woman who raised me and kept me safe.
"If you want your phone again you will change your tone, Aspen. You are irritating me." He dangled the device in the air between us.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize my being kidnapped was such a taxing situation for you. Grow up." I shoved his hand off of my leg and snatched the phone from his grasp.
I then stood up from the table. As I moved to walk away I felt the familiar crimson energy wrap around me. This time I wasn't going to let it control me. My own power burst from my skin and shredded the angry tendrils around me.  Luke got up from the table and towered over me. His hand raised and I snapped.
   "What are you going to do? Hit me? Go ahead, it's nothing your brother hasn't done before!" I shouted pushing him away from me. He reached out and grabbed my throat.
   "I can do much worse. Now, you are going to sit down and behave. Understood?" His grip had tightened around my neck. He pulled me close to him, his face just inches from my own.
"You don't own me." I jerked my knee up and nailed him in the crotch. His hand released my throat and my fist flew out and made contact with his nose. The crunch was loud and I watched as he hunched over in pain.
Sam grabbed me from behind, yanking my arms back painfully. "You really need to stop playing with fire." He whispered in my ear. I jerked my head back and felt it collide with his face. My foot kicked back and slammed into his knee. Sam let me go and I turned like a rabid wolf.
    "I'm not a weak little girl, you can't tell me what to do. I'm a fucking queen with a god damn army." I laughed a bitter laugh, and glowered at the devil. Luke had recovered and was quick to attack me with his power once again. The red tendrils of energy wrapped around me and he wrapped a hand around my hair. I gasped in pain as he pulled me back violently by my hair. My body trembled as he fed from me. The crimson power held my body in place but my hands clawed at him when he wrapped his other arm around my stomach.
    "And I'm the king of this castle. Sam take her to her room, I'll deal with her later." Luke threw me at his brother and the room burst into chatter. Panic flooded my system as Sam grabbed me and dragged me out of the dining hall. I was going to have to fight him with almost no supernatural help and I certainly hoped luck would remain on my side.

Fix Me Up (Unknown Succubus Series book 2)Where stories live. Discover now