Drowning Dresses

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   Something large dove into the the water and sent powerful waves that pushed me further from the surface. Jasper moved under water almost as well as he flew through the sky. It took him only moments to reach me and for once I felt relieved when his talons caged me in. Bubbles tickled my cheeks as he slid through the water at a speed I could never reach. My lungs burned for air and my vision began to blacken. My muscles trembled with weakness as I fought to keep from passing out. Aspen. Jasper's voice calling my name sounded so far away.
   My eyes closed for just a moment. I'd be fine if I just let my body rest for a second. I was jerked to alertness as hands scooped me up and held me tightly.  Cold air stung my face as I coughed violently. Water dribbled from my lips as it was forced from my lungs. My limbs felt heavy and immobile. Jasper laid me down on sand and rolled me into my side as I convulsed weakly. "My apologies. I did not realize your dress would weigh you down in the water." Jasper said softly, his hands gently pushing my hair away from my face.
   Once I'd stopped coughing up water I felt my strength returning. I was unable to move despite my strength because of the wet dress. It was incredibly heavy. My eyes blinked rapidly in the darkness around me. Judging from the chill and the lack of light we were in an underwater cave. I spoke in a tired voice, "Well, if you're really sorry you'll help me take the stupid thing off."
  "You cannot possibly mean..." Jasper sounded taken aback by my request. I guess it wasn't customary for a dragon king to remove a dress. He seemed quite capable of it with his large hands and towering build. With a face like his it was surprising he didn't have a harem of women like Luke did. Although, judging from their customs they acted as though they lived in medieval times. Maybe he had to court a girl before taking off her clothes.
  "I'm going to freeze in this cave if you don't help me get this dress off." I snapped in annoyance. Most people would have jumped at the opportunity to undress a succubus and yet he was acting like a confused child. I heard shuffling before his knees hit the sand next to me. His hands settled on my hips hesitantly. "Just rip it off, it's already torn up the skirt." I bit out uncomfortably.
   "This is extremely improper behavior for two people of our status." Jasper stated skeptically before complying with my request and tearing the dress in two. I still had on the chemise under it so I had nothing to be embarrassed over. With his help I was able to free myself from the heavy dress. The damn thing had nearly drowned me. "I'll go start a fire." He sounded sheepish as he stood and walked away.
   My skin was ice cold for the wet chill and I found myself pacing across the sand to warm up. The thin chemise was wet and clung to my body snugly in the darkness. I was happy I couldn't see myself because I probably looked disheveled and weak. My body shivered uncontrollably as tendrils of my hair dripped water down my back. I'd lost my shoes at some point during the day. My toes buried in the sand with each step. Jasper lit a fire suddenly and I turned to face it in surprise. I was finally able to see.
   I looked at Jasper in confusion as I noticed his cheeks seemed to glow red. My gaze followed his and I glanced down. My chemise had gone sheer from the water and my body was completely visible. Blood rushed to my face in embarrassment. I dropped to my knees before throwing my arms over my chest defensively.
   "This never happened. Got it, Godzilla?" I growled with a sharp glare. Jasper handed me a blanket while keeping his gaze on the fire. I wondered if this cave was also one of his hideouts since he knew there were supplies here. Wood for a fire and a blanket. Fresh water from the lake and stored food would make this place a great resource.
   "There are some clothes if you would like to change into something dry." Jasper offered politely. I pursed my lips suspiciously before choosing to follow him. He led me through a series of tunnels that emptied out into a room. There was a torch already lit in the room. Boxes of wood, clothes, dried meats, fruits and vegetables lined the walls. There were weapons and bedding supplies also. A quick search through the box revealed only men's clothes. They would be much too large for me but I'd make it work.
   "Are you waiting for a better look at my body? Get out!" I snapped when Jasper made no move to leave the room. His eyes widened and he stumbled out quickly with an apology. I peeled off my chemise and dropped it in a wet ball on the ground. The pants inside the box would never stay on my body so I settled for a thick shirt that fell to mid thigh. I pulled on a pair of large socks to keep my feet warm and somehow managed to walk in a pair of huge boots.
   I found my way back to where Jasper had made the fire. It was starting to die from lack of attention and fuel. Jasper was sleeping a few feet from the fire. I tossed a few more logs into the flames and returned to the storage room. I grabbed a pillow and two blankets before going back. I was careful not to wake him as I placed the pillow beneath his head and one of the blankets over his body. When I turned to walk away a tail slid around my hips and wrapped around my inner thigh. A shocked breath left my lungs. I glance over my shoulder revealed that Jasper was still asleep. But his tail had reached out instinctively to stop me from getting away. Apparently I left a strong impression on people.
   I remained still to avoid his tail moving any closer to my nether region. This was a situation I'd never expected to be in. I just had to be nice and make him comfortable as he slept. I should've just dumped cold water on his face and demanded he take me back to the castle. Stupid dragons. Stupid dresses. Stupid supernatural world. If only the dress had succeeded in drowning me. Jasper grumbled in his sleep and his tail tightened around me. I lost my balance and fell backwards. Jasper's tail released me as the giant man rolled over on top of me in his sleep. One of his hands grabbed my breast and his face was buried in the crook of my neck. No amount of pushing at him woke him up or moved him. He really was built like a stone wall. I found myself falling asleep too.

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