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I'm sure this book will be the best WinRina story you've ever read, guys.soooo lets goo

It was Thursday, 7:57 am, when a woman was seen hurrying to get into the elevator before the doors close. Good thing there was a good guy who looked back and held the door for her.

She said her thanks to the guy while carefully fits her small frame in the crowd, making sure that the espresso to-go she's holding is still in one piece.

As soon as the doors opened to her desired floor, she went out immediately--- almost running --- trying to make it to her station before the clock strikes eight o'clock.

"On the dot, Karina."

Karina heard a voice from behind. She saw her friend approaching, "Hey, Giselle, how are you?"

"I'm a bit stressed. My partner wasn't here for a few days," said Giselle, rolling her eyes. "I'm surprised though. I thought you'll be on leave until Friday?" Karina chuckled at her friend's reaction. "It was a three-day vacation. I cannot afford to have a whole week off and attend countless unfinished tasks when I get back. That's suicide, she said while logging into her PC.

"Now that you mentioned it, I have been rendering OTs these last 3 days just to somehow make it up with the clients."

"I'm sorry. I'II make it up to you, I promise," said Karina, letting out a guilty sweet smile.

"It's okay. It's nearly the end of the year and you haven't taken a single leave yet. You must unwind from time to time,Rin. You're so workaholic," said Giselle, waving her hand.

"Not really. I just don't want to take an off and get a double load of work after. It just doesn't make sense."

"Whatever. I'm just glad you took an off. At least."

After successfully logging in, Karina composed herself by leaning her butt on the table with her coffee in her right hand. "So, how are things here?"

Giselle positioned herself to beside Karina. "Well, same old stuff. Nothing new."

"I guess we should start doing the articles now. Can you email me all the---"

"Oh, shit," blurted Giselle out of the blue, her eyes trailing to something.

Getting interrupted, Karina followed her friend's line of sight and saw a girl walking towards the ladies' room. She can't picture out the person's face clearly because she was wearing a cap.

"Did that girl just enter the ladies' room and wait why are you looking at her like that?" Asked Karina with a suspicious look.

Giselle sighed, slightly rolling her eyes, "Rin, c'mon. You have to admit, that one is a real hottie."

Karina grimaced. "Oh, c'mon. You know I don't swing that way."

"But did you see her face? She's cute right?"

It made Karina cringe even more. Call it old-fashioned, but still she can't grasp the idea of a female getting attracted to another female.

"Seriously? Giselle? You're asking me that question?"

Giselle, knowing her friend is a homophobic, decided not to push through.

"Okay, I know you're not really into this, but could you please help me on this one? I'd like to get to know her."

"Help you with what? Wait, wait, wait... How long has she been working here? Why didn't I notice her before?"

"She just started here this week, Monday, and you were on your leave, remember?"

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