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"Yup, I'm already here in the office," Winter confirmed after putting her headsets on. She pushed the car door closed and enabled the alarm.

"Somebody's too early for the office today, huh? It's only 7:17 on my watch."

"I know, but my body was up early, Yunjin. I don't even know why." Winter continued walking towards the exit of the parking lot.

"Pssh. You're just excited to see her..."

"I guess I am." Winter giggled. She feels lucky to find someone whom she can confide everything about Karina. It's easier for her to tell Yunjin about it since they don't have common friends. The last thing she wants to happen is for Karina to find out about her true feelings.

"Do you think she'll like your new hairstyle?"

"I don't know," said Winter, fixing the bucket hat on her head. "I'm just afraid that she won't talk to me if I won't do what she says."

"Oh, come on, Winter. She's not serious about that, trust me."

Winter had her hair short. "I just hope you're right. Anyway, it doesn't matter if she had requested this or not, I really like my hair this way."

"Besides, it's a good way to start the year, right? I can't wait to see you, Winter. I wonder how you look now.

"Don't worry, I'll visit you one of this days," said Winter, stepping into the elevator. She pressed 17 on the floor panel.

"I hope you'll bring along a friend of yours when you do that."

"Haha. I can't promise you that but I'll try."

"I want you to observe her reaction when she sees you, okay? Describe it to me."

"Is that really necessary?" asked Winter, gazing up at the floor signal.




The elevator stopped on the first floor. Winter moved aside to give space to anyone who's about to enter.

"It's for your own benefit, Winter. If you could relay her exact reaction to me I can give you a hint of her thoughts."

Winter was still smiling ear to ear when the door swung open. Her smile faded when she saw the person behind the door. Their eyes met for a second, turning away immediately.

The person is wearing an off-shoulder sweater combined with a black skirt. Winter was so mesmerized that she had to shift her eyes away because she's feeling conscious. The person, on the other hand, was also obviously shocked to see Winter in the elevator.

 The person, on the other hand, was also obviously shocked to see Winter in the elevator

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The person stayed in Winter's opposite direction. The awkwardness filled the area. Isn't it weird how an elevator with a capacity of 15 or more people can be too crowded for it's two passengers right now?

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