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Immediately after Winter closed the door from behind, her phone rang. She fished for her phone from her back pocket and her lips curved upwards when she saw the caller's name. She raised the phone next to her ear.

"Hey dad."

Karina is currently in front of the closet, choosing what to wear for the dinner party. She purposely tried to stall arranging her stuff so she could eavesdrop more while hiding herself behind the closet door.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm already here in Gampo... Well, we arrived yesterday... No, I'm with some friends and Minju... Yeah, the Minju I introduced to you before, hahahaha..... Yes, it's her birthday yesterday... Sure, I'll tell her you said hi... No dad, hahaha, we're not together. She's actually with her boyfriend right now..."

Karina knew that at some point, Minju could've met Winter's dad. However, it's somehow surprised her to hear that Winter's father is just okay with her preference.

"Jeez. You're crazy, dad. So, what's your plan for your birthday? Of course, I'll visit you... Just tell me where you'll be and I'm going there... Of course, of course... Okay... 'Il catch you later then... Yeah, don't forget your dinner too...Bye dad... I love you too.." Winter ended the call. She put her phone down on the bedside table and went to the bathroom.

Karina was getting something from her duffel bag on the bed when Winter's phone rang again, Curiosity kicked in. Karina took that opportunity to peek at the caller while Winter is not around. She saw the familiar picture of Winter and Yunjin with Taipei 101 in the background.

Yunjin again? They must be really close. I wonder why Winter never mentioned Yunjin to me before.

She heard the flush in the bathroom and the door creaked open. Karina hurried to pretend doing something.

"Oh, is that my phone?" Winter strode to pick her phone quickly. "Hey, Yunjin, 'sup?" she said, walking towards the balcony door, opening it and stepping outside.

Karina was left confused inside the room.

Huh? She's okay with me hearing her conversation with her dad but not with Yunjin? What could they be talking about that she doesn't want me to know?


"Minju liked your flowers by the way."

"Oh, really? That's nice to hear. How's your trip so far?"

"It's great, and we're enjoying our stay here."

"Wait, wait, wait, you said 'we' or is it just you who's enjoying everything?"

Winter took a glance at the person inside the room and averted her gaze quickly when their eyes met. "It might be hard to believe it, but I think she's enjoying the trip too, Yunjin."

"To be honest, I won't be surprised if she does. But what makes you think so?"

"She's in the mood to do everything: pretending in front of Minju and strolling around here. She even asked me to buy couple necklaces and get a couple henna tattoo."

"What? She did that?"

"Yes, she.. requested for it."

"Wow, Winter, wow. Don't you think it's too much for acting?"

Winter knew what Yunjin is pointing. Although she's having the same notion, she still doesn't want to keep her hopes up. The last thing she wanted to do is to expect something in return from Karina.

"I know, but what if she's just having fun? What if she's just doing this to help me?"

"Help you get back with Minju?"

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