[M]Special Chapter woo-hoo

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Karina's POV

My work hours just ended up, me browsing all news that was published regarding our company. And it drained my entire energy, aish my work ended at exactly 5pm. As soon as the clock reached the exact time, I quickly got up on my seat and bid goodbye to my boss. And didn't bother glance to some of my workmates. Because I miss Winter so much We couldn't spend much time with each other because we were both busy with work these days. I miss my baby so much.


At the Winter's apartment

"How was your day with the girls?" Karina asked as she poured water from the jug on the kitchen counter into a glass.

"We had a lot of fun when we were all together after a long time, and as usual, everything was fine except for Ningning and Yunjin constantly making fun of me. I really dont know why they always annoy me?" said Winter, looking at Karina who was leaning against the kitchen counter.

"haha because making fun of you is so much fun maybe that's why baby" said Karina, before placing her hand in the glass full of water.

Karina looked at the pouting redhead and thought how cute she was, she couldn't help but smile.

"Okay okay, don't sulk, what did they say by the way?"

"Nevermind" said Winter, crossing her arms and turning her head away from Karina.

"Tell me baby, I'm curious." she said mixed with a little aegyo.Then she started drinking the water she had been waiting to drink for a while.

"Well, umm...They kept asking me about Woo-hoo"said Winter, putting her hand to the back of her neck.

Karina's eyes widened and she almost squirted water from her mouth.

"And they constantly asked how good I was in bed, I don't understand why they are so curious about this. Yunjin kept talking about her sex memories with Chaewon. Frankly, I was really surprised. They met later than us, but they are faster than us. I mean-" Karina fake coughed and looked away from Winter. Winter looked at the blushing Karina and smiled to herself.

Winter's POV

"Can we change the topic?... Maybe we could lie down and watch a movie?" Karina tried to change the topic because she was furiously blushing. I did it on purpose to raise the sexual tension a little bit, she won't resist for long. So we settled down on the couch, we decided to watch Netflix. In the middle of the movie, I could see Karina massaging her shoulders, she must have been exhausted from her work out. An idea came to my mind, I deviously smiled inside.

"Hey, come here. I'll massage your back and shoulders. I learned from you at the gampo hotel room do you remember? so it's payback time." she was hesitant, but I kept my seriousness so that she couldn't see my true intentions. I moved the sofas and the coffee table to have a large space in the middle of the living room. I put on the floor a big yoga mat and went to my room to get the essential oils. Karina was sitting with her legs crossed and her back straightened. She was now wearing a black undershirt and an grey short, yes, I have everything at home. Just seeing her in that outfit already turned me on. I also changed my clothes to be more comfortable and in case if we did it, I could take off them easily. I was wearing a grey t-shirt and my baggy pajamas I placed myself behind her and put a few drops of oil in my hands, I rubbed them so that my hands would be warm. I placed my hands gently on her shoulders and started to massage as I had learned. I think it felt good because she moaned and it turned me on even more. I want her to moan, but not for the same reason.

"Mmmmmh" she let a soft moan. I couldn't control my hormones anymore, so l placed small wet kisses from the back of her neck to her shoulders. She didn't reject me, so it was a good sign, I came back to her neck and started sucking it to make hickeys. I wanted to see her face, look at her cat eyes, so l made her face to me, her eyes were filled with desires. She was on her attractive and confident mood. I kissed her hungrily and put my tongue in her mouth. I took off her undershirt, she was wearing the lingerie from Victoria's Secret, damn she was too sexy. I kissed her again while I was unclipping her bra, her breast was the perfect size, I laid her on her back and put a few drops of oil in my hands. I massaged her chest, and pinched her nipples.

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