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December 31st - Taiwan

Winter is strolling around the streets of Taipei that cold morning, a coffee on one hand. She always loved the feeling of the wind breeze during that season. Her dad is currently busy with a client meeting --- which she wondered why it happened on the 31st --- so she made up excuses to go out.

Sigh. I'm terribly missing you now.

It's been two days since she last saw Karina. Waiting for another two more days before she could see the woman's beautiful face again feels like hell.

After her realization days ago, Winter had accepted the fact that what she's feeling now is one-sided. She's not expecting anything from Karina--- at least for now --- because she's contented with their little friendship.

Although she feels she has some importance in Karina too, Winter doesn't want to keep her hopes up. She is truly aware that Karina's affection for her is pent within the barriers of friendship. The best Winter could hope for is for Karina to stay single while she's being hopeless romantic, or until she finds someone to channel the love she's feeling now. Hopefully, Karina will not meet her Mr.Right yet so Winter wouldn't have to endure the pain of seeing the woman with somebody else.

After walking for quite a while Winter decided to take a break. She sat on a bench near a lamppost while sipping her coffee. She got the view of Taipei 101 in front of her.

Winter could only simper when Karina came into her mind once again. After admitting to herself that she had completely fallen in love with that petite lady, her thoughts have been in auto-pilot mode. Karina is consistently on her mind, literally like every single minute of the day, even when asleep.

I wonder, is she thinking of me now?

The idea made Winter giggled. It seems impossible but if ever that's the case, even just a tiny chance, then she'll be on cloud nine.

"Well, hello there, stranger. Do you have company?"

Before Winter can take another sip of her coffee, someone called her attention.

She looked up and saw a person pointing at the vacant space beside her. The woman has a long orange hair. She's wearing a suspender skirt strap dress and a white off-shoulder blouse. Winter shook her head without taking her eyes off the stranger.

Who would say no to this type of beauty?

"Thanks!" The woman sat beside Winter.

Winter gestured a "you're welcome" bow. Although the stranger has a friendly aura, Winter isn't in the mood for little talk now. Unfortunately, seeing this woman made Winter miss Karina even more. That woman and Karina have somehow the same fashion style; the dress, the shoes.

"Oooh, it's really cold today, huh?" The woman spoke again, rubbing her palms against her arms.

Since it's just the two of them on that bench, Winter knew that question was intended for her. "Y-yeah, that's what I love about this season."

"You don't seem from here," said the woman, crossing her legs. The friendly aura and the cheerful mood that hangs around her is something welcoming for a stranger. "Where are you from?"

"Busan Korea, but I work and live in different city, you?"

"Really? Where in Korea?"

Winter was a bit confused by the woman's reaction. "Seoul?" It turned out to a question instead of a statement.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I live in Hongdae, I own a flower shop there! The woman exclaimed, smiling.

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