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"Do we really have to do it now?"

"Ugh, Winter, how many times should I tell you that it was her who invited you here?" asked Karina , obviously irritated now. Can't blame her. They've been in front of Karina's house for ten minutes now but Winter doesn't want to go out of the car yet.

"But.. but Giselle said--"

"My mom knows about us, okay? She might not be really into this type of relationship but we've already talked about it. She approved it. That's why she wants to meet you."

Winter let out a loud exhale, her eyes uncomfortably glancing at the house. She still can't believe that she'll be meeting Karina's mom sooner than she had expected.

"Are you really planning to be in a relationship with me and keep hiding from my mom?" asked Karina.

"It's not like that, Rin," said Winter, reaching for Karina's hand. "I'm just nervous. I don't want to disappoint her. I don't want to disappoint you."

Karina cupped Winter's cheek with her palm. "You won't, okay? Just don't try to act like someone else you're not. You're charming, use that. Charm your way up to get my mom."

A relieved smiled curved on Winter's lips as she exhaled sigh. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Can we stay here for five more minutes?"

"Unfortunately, we can't, Winter," said Karina, fixing her bag. "Unless you want to get in trouble by giving my mom an idea that the reason we arrived late is because we woo-hoo, then I guess we could stay here even for thirty minutes more."

"What?! We didn't do that!"

Karina laughed. "But the longer we stay here the more she'll get an idea about it. So, let's go out now, okay?"

Winter knew there's no way out now. She finally nodded.


The house is brighter inside now compared to the last time Winter visited. All the curtains were opened, giving the place a lively aura. Winter smelled something cooking in the kitchen and got nervous when Karina dragged her there.


Winter saw a slim figure who turned around to greet her daughter with a smile.

"Hey, dear, I missed you," Karina's mom said, kissing her cheek.

Seeing the older lady made Winter realize where Karina had gotten all her charms. And to be honest, they look more like sisters than mom and daughter,

Karina wrapped her arms around her mom's waist. "I missed you too. I'm sorry for the unplanned sleepover last night."

"Is there anything else I can do? I guess I'd have to get used to you sleeping over somebody's place more often now," Karina's mom said, glancing over Winter.

Karina went over to Winter and drag her closer. "Mom, this is Winter. And Winter, meet my mom."

Karina's mom raised an eyebrow while staring at Winter.

Winter gulped at that. Now she's certain where Karina got her snobbishness.

The lady in front of her is the queen of terror. She doesn't know what to say so she held her hand out for a handshake.

"Uh.. h-hi.. ma'am..."

Unknown to the two youngsters, Karina's mom is holding a knife in her right hand, which she put down on the counter beside Winter to shake hands.

"So, we finally meet, Winter Kim."

Winter swallowed down a lump in her throat and forced a smile. "It's.. it's nice to meet you, ma'am."

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