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After one month, the team-building event finally came. It is something that they do annually to strengthen the bond and cooperation within each team.

Unlike last year, where the even took place during summer and held in a beach resort, this year will be held in a hotel resort instead to avoid rains.

Unfortunately, the event was approved to take place on the latter part of the year, the season when the southwest monsoon is dominating.

Since they are a large-scaled size company, the management has decided that the outing will be held by batch. All the employees sharing the same floors will go together the same day.

Karina is currently looking out the window. They are riding a coaster on board to their destination. If it weren't for the lovey-dovey couple beside that keeps on distracting her, she would've enjoy the scene outside.

"How many are you on your team again?" Giselle asked Winter, her back completely facing Karina.

Winter relaxed her head first on the backrest while mentally counting her team-mates. "We're seven, including Soobin."

This time, Giselle wrapped her arms around Winter's. "What do you guys usually do during your free time? I'm curious, how does the group of artists like you bond?"

"Mmm, we're making fun of each other most of the time." Winter chuckled as if she remembered something funny. "The most common is editing someone's picture."


"Like putting Soobin's head on a body of a sexy-porn-star! Hahaha!"

"Hihihi. So cute! I kinda want to see that sexy version of Soobin."

"You bet his hot!"

The two just kept on laughing. Karina can't help but smile too while imagining Soobin's picture. She's not sure if she should be eavesdropping or not but she can't help overhearing their conversation.

She didn't plan on being where she's at right now. It was Giselle who wanted them to sit beside each other. It was too late when Karina found out that Giselle's plan was to put her on the third wheel.

After the long laughing session, Winter spoke, "How about yours, what do you guys do for fun?"

"We usually play the game 'answer the question with a question," said Giselle, leaning her head on Winter's shoulder.

"Answer a question with a question? What's that?"

"The mechanics are simple; someone starts a question and you just have to keep answering each other with questions."

"Wow. Sounds hard."

"Yeah, I'm always the one who loses first." Giselle pouted.

"Does everyone in your department participate in the game?" Winter asked.

"Yeah, everyone. We even form a circle to make it more fun."

"Well, it just seems to me that you have some serious teammates in your department," said Winter, nudging her chin towards Karina.

Giselle, who had almost completely forgotten that they are not alone on the bus, and that Karina is sitting beside her shifted her body and hugged Karina this time.

"It may not seem like that but Karina can be a jolly person, Winter."

"Oh really? I guess I haven't seen that part of her yet." Winter teased.

Since they were introduced, Giselle has been showing Winter the above-the-normal-kindness a person could show to a colleague. On the other hand, Karina was the opposite. Although she's not doing anything to annoy Winter, she isn't minding the newcomer like she's non-existent in the first place.

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