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The next day...

As what was told in the news, the low pressure area will bring scattered rain showers throughout the weekend. Because of the rainy morning, Karina's mom decided to drive her to the office today to save her from the hassles of commuting, making her the first member of their team to come in that day.

She turned on her PC without bothering to look at their IM because she knows that Winter hasn't arrived yet. Apparently, Winter woke up a bit late today.

They had a long call last night, which happened after getting home late from their dinner date.

Karina pulled out her phone to reread a message from Winter thirty minutes ago:

Driving now. See you later. I love you!

Karina covered her mouth to try suppressing a squeal from escaping her throat. Up until this moment, she can't bring herself to believe that they are together now, that Winter is hers, that out of the numerous fan girls in the office it is her who had caught the latter's attention.

"I guess that smile means you're okay now."

A cold voice from behind startled her. Karina was so high up in clouds that she didn't notice Giselle is already looking over her shoulders.

"Is that Winter?" asked giselle, walking back to her table to put her bag down.

Instead of confirming Karina glared at her friend. "I'm still mad at you, do you know that?"

"Mad at me for what?"

"For telling Winter."

"Oh, that. So, she really went to your place yesterday? Shouldn't you be thanking me instead?"

"But you told her everything.. and it's so embarrassing.."

Giselle chuckled. "So, did you two talk about what happened?"

"Yes, and we're okay now."

"Okay like..?"

"Just.. okay.."

"Will you spill out more details?"

Karina tried to recall how exactly the talk went but her mind jumped on what happened during their dinner date, and even on their phone talk that made her giggle in delight numerous times on her bed last night.

"Oh. My. Gosh. I know that face, Karina, I know that face," said Giselle, pointing a finger.

Karina, who didn't realize that she was already smiling, immediately pursed her lips. "What?"

Giselle bent down in front of Karina to hold her hand. "Tell me, can I squeal now?"

"S-squeal for what...?"

"Well, you said you two are okay, right? Does that mean that she already knows you love her?"


"And you know that she loves you too, right?"


Giselle held Karina's hand tightly. "So are you guys together now?"

Karina looked at her friend with a coy smile. Thinking about the revelation yesterday still sends giddy feelings all over her body. She knows there's no need to hide it now, besides Giselle has the right to know about it because she helped in settling the issue over. Karina finally gave a nod to confirm it.

"Yes, officially together since yesterday."

And Giselle really did squeal.


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