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Although she had a busy weekend, her excitement to go to the office that morning didn't trail off. Karina woke up in high spirits, welcoming the rainy morning cheerfully. After their fun dinner and late conversation last night, she can't help but smile to herself at the idea that she's going to see Winter again soon.

She immediately checked the list of her online friends when she got in the office. She was glad to see Winter's already in but has been idle for seven minutes.

She might be in the pantry.

She went to the ladies' room first to check herself. She went back to her station and grabbed her tumbler for her morning coffee.

Someone went out of the pantry just before she pushed the door in. She heard Winter and Giselle's laughter from the inside.

She hesitated to go in for a minute. She stepped back and leaned against the wall, holding the tumbler in her left hand and tapping her fingers on it.

You can do this, Karina.

She panicked when someone went out again. Fortunately, it was someone else. After feeling weirded out with herself, she finally decided to go in.

Karina pushed the door and got a glimpse of Winter and Giselle sitting at the table. Giselle is facing the door entrance while Winter is in front of her.

"Good morning, Karina!" Giselle shouted, making the other people in the pantry turn their attention to her.

"Morning." Karina smiled awkwardly at Giselle. She saw how Winter's head turned around to check on her.

"Good morning." said Winter, casually resting her arm on the backrest.

"Hi, Winter." Karina smiled but totally avoided meeting Winter's eyes. She walked directly to the vending machine and pressed the coffee button. "What are you two doing here? And Giselle, you're early, huh?"

"Winter and I are having our breakfast," said Giselle. "And as for your next question, well, somebody picked me up and drove me here this morning."

The statement was followed by a flirty giggle.

"Somebody?" Karina raised an eyebrow. She knew who it was. She grabbed her tumbler and walked towards the table. "Is that person the reason for your undeniably cheery aura today?"

Giselle couldn't react and blushed instead.

"Should we call that somebody as Ning?" said Winter.

"Eeeee, Winter!" Giselle hit Winter's arm playfully. "Since when you two are on the same team?"

"Same team?" asked Karina.

"You two are ganging up on me.." Giselle whined, looking up at Karina and glancing at Winter after.

"No we're not." Winter waved a hand.

Karina sat down beside Winter. "It's pretty obvious, Giselle, don't worry. It's not like I never had an idea about it."

Giselle reached for Karina's hand on the table. "Sorry, I didn't tell you. I was afraid you're going to judge me..."

"Psh... It's alright, Giselle. In fact, l'm happy," said Karina. "I think it's time for you to be in a serious relationship now."

"Really?" Giselle squeezed Karina's hand. "Wow, this is amazing, Rin. I thought you don't approve such things?"

Don't worry about it. Karina gave the sincerest smile she could before she turned to Winter. "What are you eating?"

"Chicken fillet with rice," said Winter, pointing at her meal. "I bought it from a newly opened restaurant near my place. Want a bite?"

Karina put her tumbler down on the table. "I'm glad you're eating some real breakfast today." She pulled her chair to lean closer and grabbed Winter's fork to plant it into one of the chicken strips.

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