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Winter glanced back at the ladies' room entrance to check if the woman is still there.

She's one of the girls Soobin introduced yesterday. What was her name again?


She turned around and see the other girl the cute one was with yesterday.

"Oh, hey."

"Do you still remember me?"

Winter squinted her eyes. "Hmm, Giselle, right?"

It made the woman clap her hands with joy. "I'm glad you remember!"

"Of course. So, this is where you at?"

"Yes. We're located at the center of this floor. Karina is sitting across mine," Giselle said, pointing at the table behind her.

Winter shifted her eyes to where Giselle is pointing and saw a table with lots of stuffed toys. The biggest of them is a green alien.

"You remember her, right? She's the petite girl who's with me yesterday," asked Giselle.

Yeah, she was the one in the ladies' room awhile ago.

"Yeah, I remember. I can tell she liked stuffed toys, eh?" said Winter.

"She's a kid at heart," Giselle whispers, "but sometimes a monster."

Winter chuckled. "That's cute though. So, she's fond of aliens?"

"Yeah, she loves them so much. How about you, what are the things you're fond of?"

"Hmm. I love taking pictures."

"Pictures? Like portraits?"

"Yeah, it's a hobby since I was in high school. Guess I've developed a skill out of it," said Winter, resting both her arms on the terminal.

"That's interesting. What are your subjects then?" Giselle stood up from her chair so they could talk closer.

"Anything interesting, nature, landscapes, animals; but I'm more focused on humans."

Giselle's face lit up. "Wow. That's cool. If I may ask, why humans?"

"All cool," said Winter, smiling. "I just find contentment from looking at a human shot, a smiling human to be exact. I love smiles."

Giselle kept nodding. "Do you think I can be one of your models?"

"Yeah, you sure to be not the camera-shy type."

Giselle giggled after hearing that. "Of course I'm not. Do you usually prefer taking pictures outdoors or indoors?"

"I do both. I travel before to take outdoors pictures. As for indoors, I don't have a studio yet so I usually do it in my place."

Giselle's mouth formed an 'o' shape. "You live alone?"


"Where do you live then?"

Winter held off answering after getting a glimpse of Karina from her peripheral vision. Unconsciously, she was expecting a little welcome from this person.

To her surprise, Karina just walked past them and went straight to her terminal without even saying hi.

Getting a bit disappointed, Winter turned back to Giselle and decided to play it cool. "Just around the corner."

"Oh, I bet you've already bought a lot of girls in your apartment?" Giselle teased.

"Huh? No. No. I'm not that type of person." Winter chuckled as she shakes her head. She instinctively looked at Karina and noticed that the latter's head is slightly tilted to Giselle's direction.

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