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Winter has been busy with tennis stuff these past few days. She has to attend practice every after office because there is an upcoming internal club competition in two weeks. Fortunately for her, Karina is also busy doing some errands for her mom. They've mutually agreed to postpone their talk next month.

It was after a tennis practice one day when Winter's friend, Sullyoob, approached her. "You done there, buddy?"

"Yup, almost," said Winter, putting the racket inside her bag.

"Why don't we grab some ice cold coffee first before we head home?"

Winter checked her watch. "I say why don't we get a dinner instead? It's past 7 o'clock."

Before she could answer, Sullyoon turn her attention to the footsteps coming her way. "Hey," she said to the approaching person.

The girl wrapped her arms around Sullyoon. "What's taking you so long? Don't tell me you two are still putting on make-up?"

Sullyoon and Winter laughed at that. "Sullyoon is still busy trying to look pretty for you, jinni," said Winter,

Jinni turned to her girlfriend and pouted her lips. "Awww, but honestly darling, you're better off handsome than pretty."

Sullyoon laughed again. "And who says I'd like to wear makeup? It feels so itchy," she said grimacing.

Jinni buried her face on Sullyoon's neck and mumbled. "I'm hungry now, Sull."

Sullyoon sighed and rubbed Jinni's back. She turned to Winter. "You're right, we really should get some dinner or else this baby will turn into Chucky later on."

"Sullyoon!" Jinni exclaimed, slapping her girlfriend's arm.


They went to the nearest mall restaurant in the area and ordered some Chinese foods.

"So, how are you guys with the practice?" asked Jinni.

"Good. I think I got the best teammate here," said Sullyoon.

Winter elbowed Sullyoon. "You're too humble. She's way a lot better than me, Jinni."

Jinni just giggled at that. The lovers were still teasing each other when a passerby couple caught Winter's attention. It was just a simple glance but she had to take a second look because there's something about the girl that made her curious. That's when she realized who the girl is.

What the -

She could not be mistaken. It is Karina walking along with a tall guy.

Although they could be mistaken for a couple, the two were just plainly talking while walking. Winter observed the two until they disappear from her sight. She felt relieved that Karina didn't do anything physical like clinging to him or what. They were not even sweet and Karina's hands were glued to the strap of her bag.

Could be her friend?

Winter creased her forehead in anxiety. For a second there she suddenly felt insecure, worried that there is a possibility that someone will take away Karina soon.

The next day, everything was normal. Karina was in her sweet mode towards Winter the entire day. Winter didn't bother to mention what she saw yesterday because she doesn't want to sound like a jealous girlfriend.

We're still the same. It was just probably a friend.


It was Friday noon when Karina, Giselle and Yeonjun decided to go out for lunch.

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