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It's already three in the morning and Winter's consciousness is still at it's peak.

She's currently lying on the couch while Karina is occupying her bedroom.Her mind can't seem to forget what Karina had told her earlier.

She can't fall for me? What does she mean by that? She can't as in 'cannot' or she 'doesn't want to fall for me? Aargggh! But she wants me to be her friend.

What for? Maybe she's not really into this kind of thing.

Slowly, her deep thoughts brought her to sleep.


Karina woke up seeing the beam of morning light from the window. She stretched her arms out and looked around. She got up immediately upon realizing that she's in unfamiliar bedroom.

Where am I?

She brought her hand to her hair after a terrible ache surged. She tries recalling what happened.

Soobin, Giselle, Winter and I went out last night. Giselle and Winter were so sweet. Then we met Ningning, Winter's friend, and the owner of the bar. She offered us their special house drink. It taste so good. I had a few shots. I felt my legs getting numb. I remember I was being carried by Winter and Soobin to the parking lot.

What happened after that?

Karina scanned the room. She saw a table alarm clock on the bedside table.

Shit, it's 10:00 am! I need to call mom. She's going to be mad!

She found her purse nearby and fished for her mobile phone. She frowned because her battery is empty.

Tsk. I'm in big trouble.

She stood up from the bed and wandered around the room, wanting to find out whose house she's in right now. She saw a picture frame on the table near the window. It's Winter's graduation picture with an older man beside her, probably her dad.

Oh. So, this is Winter's place.

Her eyes widened.

Wait, I'm in Winter's place!

She panicked. She can't contain the idea that Winter saw her in that kind of situation. She's more embarrassed with the idea that Winter will see her now in her haggard appearance. And what's worst is she can't remember a thing from last night. What if she'd done something that she wasn't supposed to do?

Wait, did we.. oh, c'mon, Karina! What are you thinking?

She slapped herself.

But I'm alone in bed, and these are my clothes from yesterday. Where is she?

She went out of the room and found Winter on the couch, her whole body covered with a blanket. Karina bent a little to take a closer look at Winter's face.

Ooh, the kid is still sleeping.

She touched Winter's nose with a fingertip. Winter didn't move. Karina smiled.

Silly me. What am I doing?

She stared at Winter and noticed something.


Winter is standing near an abyss.

She looked around to check if anyone was with her. There's none. She felt alone. She always feels alone. Ever since her mom died her father drowned himself to work just to cope up with his grieving. For a little child of her age,

Winter didn't know the process to move on.

Then she saw Irene standing on the edge of the other cliff in front of her. She wanted to get there but there's no bridge anywhere. The cliff is too high, and she will die if she falls in the river below.

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