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Heeseung didn't show up the next day, making Karina think that he's not really interested. She is happy because her mom would finally stop bugging her. It also helped in lessening her confusion because truth is, even though she may not admit it to herself, he still has effect on her.

At some point, the little girl that had been crushing on him since the day Karina can't remember is still inside her, which brings her to feel partly disappointed to thinking that her charisma has not even affected him at all.

On the other hand, Winter has not called her yet. Karina's been waiting for the call since Valentine's Day because she knows that hearing Winter's voice would somehow help her forget her mom and Heeseung for a little while.

But what's adding up to her confusion is her feelings towards Winter. She's not sure how to explain it. She's not even sure how it differs from what she's feeling to Heeseung. It's similar at some point but totally different in general.

Is there a way she could find out which matters most?

It was Sunday afternoon, after a trip to the grocery store, when Karina and her mom saw the familiar black car in front of their gate.

"Now look at that," her mom said, pulling the car over.

Karina's eyes widened when Heeseung went out from the driver's side and walked towards them.

No way. Why is he here?

"Hey," he said, leaning inside the car window on her mom's side.

"Hey, darling, it's great to see you," said the older woman, pinching Heeseung's cheek. "Where have you been? Karina has been waiting for you since Thursday."


"I'm just kidding, darling. Don't take it seriously."

"I was in an out of town business trip these past few days. I just came back last night," said Heeseung, smiling shyly at them.

"How long have you been waiting there? You should have called me or Karina to tell us you're dropping by. We went out to get some groceries."

"Nah, its fine. It was just for a couple of minutes. And I don't have your numbers yet..."

"Oh, I'll give it to you inside, okay?" said Karina's mom.

"That would be great," said Heeseung. "By the way, can I help you with the groceries?"


"Thanks for the help," said Karina's mom, handling Heeseung a glass of cold water.

"Oh, thanks," said Heeseung before drinking it all. He handed back the glass.

"And you're welcome."

"Do you have something to do this evening? I hope you could stay for dinner."

Mom's really pushing it.

Karina shook her head and smiled to herself. She's currently putting the condiments they bought in the cabinet while overhearing the conversation happening in the kitchen.

"Umm, well." said Heeseung, shifting his eyes from the older lady to Karina,

"I was hoping I could take Karina out for dinner..."

Karina turned around and looked at him, surprised. What?

"Really?" Karina's mom was surprised too.

"Y-yeah." Heeseung nodded hesitantly. "If... If.. if only Karina's available.."

"Yeah, sure, of course, son," the older lady answered right away. "She doesn't have plans for the entire day either, so don't worry. Am I right, Karina?"

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