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What's this? What is she doing?

Winter was undeniably shocked to see Karina came out from nowhere. Even so, Karina's presence gave her momentary solace. She was on her verge of falling from the cliff when Karina came in to save her.

Karina noticed Winter's confusion. She held Winter's face with her left hand.

"Honey, are you okay?"

Honey? Me? Is this really happening?

Winter peeked at Minju for a second just to see that the latter was a bit surprised too with Karina's sudden appearance. Her eyes went back to Karina. "H-how did you know I'm here?"

"I was looking for you and noticed that your IM status was idle, so I asked Soobin," said Karina , interwining their hands.

Winter loved the warmth of Karina's hand on hers but the situation she's in right now doesn't permit her to enjoy it. Winter turned her face to Minju . "Uh, Minju, this is -.."

"Karina, right?" Minju's eyes is on Karina. After getting a nod she shifted her eyes back to Winter. "Have you forgotten your girlfriend and I have already met?"

Winter's jaw dropped. The term girlfriend is too much for her to take. "Uh, yeah. forgot, I'm sorry."

"Winter has been forgetful lately because she's too busy," said Karina, brushing a stray hair from Winter's eyes. "Right, honey?"

Winter felt Karina squeeze her hand, asking her to ride along. "Yeah.. yeah."

"So, Minju , what do you think of Winter's haircut now?" asked Karina.

Minju studied her old friend for a moment and nodded. "It looks good on her, yeah." Then she turned to Winter and asked, "Decided to finally cut your hair short?"

"Well. it's her request," said Winter, pointing at her girlfriend.

"Ahhh." Is all that Minju could utter. Her Expression was unreadable.

"Um, Minju, could you excuse us for a while? Karina and I need to talk outside for a moment," said Winter. She felt that she needs to discuss with Karina about what's happening now.

"Sure. We'll just be right here."

Winter smiled and dragged Karina along outside the room.


The moment they were outside Winter released karina's hand slowly. She wouldn't have done it but she doesn't want to give the slightest hint that she enjoys it.

"Are you alright?" asked Karina, grasping her small hands on Winter's shoulders.

Winter evaluated herself for a second. "I think... I think I'm okay, yes."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm cool."

Karina dropped her hands to her side. "Okay, that's good to hear."

"H-how did you know I'm here again?" Asked Winter, still confused.

"I was looking for you because I needed to hand over the materials from Yeonjun. Soobin told me you're here."

"Umm.. are you, are you aware that Minju is here?"

Karina hummed to agree. "I saw Minju's picture on the outline Soobin showed me."

Winter furrowed her eyebrows.

Okay, so she went here because of that?

As if she could read what's on Winter's mind, Karina folded her arms on her chest and said, "I went here because I was worried. I was afraid that you'll be distracted if you saw them. It might affect you. It might affect your work. You lost the ability to speak the last time Minju showed up in your apartment."

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