
1.8K 105 21

6:57 pm

"That. Was. Crazy!"

Winter stooped down to put her hands on her knees after their horrible roller coaster ride. She gazed at the person in front of her, amazed that the ride hasn't affected Karina a bit. "You sure you're human? That was a scary ride back there. I almost threw up."

"Told ya, theme park is my kind of place," Karina boasted. She was about to tease more when she noticed something hanging around Winter's neck.

"I'll never consider going here again with yo ---- woah!" Winter took a slight step backward, thinking that Karina will strangle her or whatever. It was the she realized where Karina was looking at.

"You're wearing this?" asked Karina, reaching for the butterfly pendant.

"Ah, yeah." Winter looked away. "I just thought it'd be a waste not to wear it since we bought it right?"

Karina continued to fiddle the pendant with her hand. "I just thought you didn't like it."

"How could I not like it, it's the only souvenir we got from our.. trip..." Winter trailed off, scratching her nape. It was her only souvenir of them being together, even if it was just a fake relationship.

Karina's eyes looked up to Winter for a second and went back to the pendant.

"Y-you don't want me wearing it?" asked Winter, unsure of what's on Karina's mind.

"No, it's not like that. I'm feeling bad not wearing mine," said Karina, touching her collarbone.


To make up for it, Karina thought of something. "Let's make a deal. Let's wear those necklaces every day, even in the office. What do you say?"

"Are you sure?" asked Winter. She is fully aware that Karina doesn't want the people in the office to know much about their special friendship. Wearing that necklace could mean telling everyone about it, and what's worse giving them the wrong idea.

"Of course. And it's not a request, it's and order." Karina said seriously.

Winter felt relieved. "Okay."

"I hope your fan girls won't notice it much.." said Karina, imagining the idea of how those fan girls would react if they saw it.

"Weeeee... BOOM!"

Their attention was captured by a sudden beam of bright white light glowering in the sky. It was immediately followed by the echoing sound of the exploding firecracker. The first one launched floated in a glittering silver shower, lighting up the sky with it's silver outline.

"Wooooow," said Karina , amazed. She grabbed Winter's arm and pulled her closer. "Are they celebrating something today?"

Winter, whose eyes already glued to the sky, replied without looking. "No, they do this during weekends, every seven pm."

Another reflection of bright light caught Karina's attention, making her look back up at the scene. "This is absolutely amazing, Winter."

"I know." Winter smiled. "It'll be just for five minutes so make sure you enjoy it while it lasts."

"Pop! Pop! Pop!"




"Look, that one is so cool!" Winter pointed something on their left.

This time it was some firecrackers which whirled in a spiral form first before exploding, illuminating the variation of colors from red, blue, green, and even yellow. Some of them tumbled like waterfalls and some shattered into tiny sparks.

Karina couldn't help but stare at it in awe. Then she started feeling something in her chest, something warm and giddy. She brought a hand on it and felt it's beatings.

She looked down for a second and noticed a lot of people had crammed to admire the fireworks display too. Some were standing on the chairs and scaffolding to get a better view. Some kids were on their parent's shoulders.

Some were holding out there phones and tablets to record it. Some couple's were cuddling while gazing at the scene.

Her attention was brought back to the arm she's holding onto. Karina's eyes traveled up to Winter's face and saw the latter's eyes still stuck on the show.

Karina doesn't care about the pretty lights anymore. It's not everyday she gets the chance to look at Winter this close without worrying about being caught.

Sigh. Why do you always have this effect on me?

Karina can't hear the fireworks anymore. It's like they've been isolated from that place. It became silent all of a sudden. She was staring at Winter whose face is completely turned up to the sky.

Her eyes...

Her nose...

Her lips...

Her face...

Why do I feel the need to see you every time?

Was I too dumb not to notice that there is really something special about you?

There was another explosion in the sky and Winter's skin color changed from red to white, reflecting the light from the fireworks.

Everything just feels so perfect right now. Everything just feels so.. magical.

Consciousness had struck Karina after noticing that she's been staring for long already. She dropped her gaze and saw Winter's hand this time. She felt the sudden urge to hold it. She never knew how much she longed for it not until she got the chance to feel it's warmth again last night in the KTV bar. It gives her solace; a safe haven where she could just be vulnerable without worrying that someone will hurt or judge her.

Without saying anything, Karina slowly slid her hand down and interlaced it with Winter's. It made the latter turn to her with a bit surprised face.


Karina felt embarrassed with what she did but she knew it's too late to turn back now. She hid her face in Winter's shoulder. "Hey, you said we should enjoy the fireworks while it lasts, right?"

Winter chuckled. "Ah, y-yeah." She turned back to the show and squeezed Karina's hand tight.

Instead of watching the show, Karina continued to bury her face in Winter's shoulder. All she could hope for was for the show to extend few minutes more so she could stay like that for a little longer.

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