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"Hi there, Win. Long time no see."

Winter was speechless, both surprised and confused. She's not sure what to feel. Her mind is torn between the idea wanting to see Minju and spending the day with Karina.

Of all the time, Minju, why now?

Minju noticed Winter's uneasiness. She then har a glimpse of another person sitting at the table.

"Oh. I didn't know you have a visitor."

Winter glanced at Karina for a second. Their eyes met but Winter turned her eyes back to Minju.

"Oh, Winter, what's wrong with you today?" Minju walked towards Winter and tapped her shoulder. "Speak up and introduce us."

Winter, who realized that she should have done that earlier, straightened up her shirt and turned to Karina slowly. "Um..."

"Ugh! What's wrong with you?" Impatient Minju walked towards Karina and offer her right hand. "Hi, I'm Minju, Winter's friend," she said, wearing the same smile she had in the picture. "Please forgive her for being such an asshole today."

Karina can't believe how beautiful Minju is in the flesh. She rose up to shake Minju's hand with a smile plastered on her face too. "Karina. Winter's friend too."
Winter felt her neck inching.

Oh boy, this is awkward.

"Nice meeting you, Karina ." After the handshake, Minju immediately scanne the woman in front of her. Her eyes twitched when she saw what Karina was wearing.

Winter brought her palm to her face when she realized where Minju was looking at.

Oh, shit. That was the shirt we bought foe my birthday last year.

"O-kay..." Minju pressed her lips together and turned around. "I guess I better go now, Win."

"But Minju."

"Let's just do this some other time," said Minju, walking towards the door.

"When will I see you again?"

Minju brushed a hand through her hair before turning to Winter. "Some other time, when we're both not busy."

Winter breathed out her disappointment. She knows that "some other time" could take longer.

As if knowing what's on Winter's mind Minju stopped by the door and said,

"Don't worry. I won't go anywhere this time. I promise we'll talk sooner. We need to talk. Be hospitable to your guest first, okay?"

Winter turned her head to Karina, who gave her a lame smile when their eyes met.

Minju didn't wait foe another second. "It's nice to meet you, Karina. And Winter, I'll see you soon. Bye." She waved goodbye and shut the door close.

The latch of the door was then followed by a long deafening silence. Winter clenched her hands into fists, unsure of how to solve her dilemma.

What should I do? Should I follow her? But I just can't leave Karina here. But what if I don't get the chance to talk to Minju again? Agh! This is crazy!


Winter turned to Karina. "Y-yes?"

"W. uh.. I think you should"

"I... I should follow her.. yeah." Winter knew what Karina was about to say. She walked to the door and halted before opening it. "Just promise me you won't leave, okay?"

"I won't."

After the assurance, Winter ran out of the room.

Karina bit her lip and sat on the chair. After getting the feeling of being closer this time, why does she feel Winter being far away again?

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