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"Are you done yet?" asked Karina. She's currently grooming her hair in front of the mirror.

"Two more minutes, okay?"

"Ugh! You're so slow, Winter!"

The bathroom door creaked open, revealing Winter from inside. "Slow? You're the one who woke me up late, like five minutes ago, asking me to get ready right away."

"Well, I never knew that it would take me a lot of effort to wake you up, honey," said Karina, putting emphasis on the endearment.

Winter walked towards her. "Are you done yourself?"

"Yes, I'm ready. Hey, what's that!" Karina was surprised to see Winter's face still drenched in water, having an I-jusy-woke-up hairdo.

"What? I washed my face," said Winter innocently.

"And are you doing out like that?" Karina grabbed a towel to dry Winter's face.

"Tsk. You're such a kid, Winter."

"Mmmm. I wasn't planning on going out like this, f-y-i," said Winter, her voice muffled against the towel.

"Whatever." Karina dropped the towel and stared at Winter's hair. "What are you gonna do with that?"

"This?" Winter brushed her fingers through her hair while peeking at the mirror.

"Let's just leave it like this."

"Tsk. No!" Karina cupped Winter's shoulder and turned the latter to face her.

"It's better this way." She fixed Winter's hair with her hands. She knew that it didn't need much effort. Whether Winter has messy or combed hair it'll surely look nice on her.

"Now how do I look, honey?" Winter asked with her thumb and forefinger against her chin, flashing her signature smile that Karina loved and hated at the same time.

Karina couldn't help but admire her hair art. Winter has changed into a new pair of t-shirt and shorts for dinner. The funny thing about it is the simpler she looked the more her charm shows up. "You're okay."

Winter pursed her lips. "Just okay?"

"Yeah, what were you expecting me to say?"

"Anything but okay, you know."

"Ahm, okay. Then what adjective would you like me to use?"

"I don't know, maybe 'striking' would do," Winter answered, beaming.

Karina raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really?"

"Or maybe attractive, gorgeous, stylish, or dazzling.."

Karina cocked her head to one side, expressing her disagreement. "I didn't know you were conceited, honey."

"Why thank you, honey."


"I guess that's our call," said Winter, walking over to open the door.

Karina went to get her sling bag from the couch. "Just wait, I'm looking for my phone." She was still busy rummaging through the couch when she heard Minju's voice outside.

"Oh hi, Win!"

"Hey, Min, looking pretty tonight, huh?" said Winter, leaning against the door frame. "Where's Minho?"

"He's almost done retouching his makeup," said Minju, rolling her eyes. Winter laughed at the joke. "Well, you look charming yourself. That tshirt looks perfect on you."

"Charming your face," Karina muttered when she finally found her cellphone.

"Ah, yeah? You're the one who gave this tshirt, remember?" asked Winter.

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