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After getting the whole resort soaked, the rain outside slowed down to a faint drizzle. People started coming out from where they were hiding. Some kids went back to the beach side to play in the sand and sea water. Even though the rain hasn't fully subsided yet, everything was slowly going back to normal.

It has been an hour now since Minju left and the room is still lifeless. Winter is on the bed, not moving from the spot where Minju left her, still contemplating about what just happened. This time she knew it was real because she felt like Minju has taken a part of her body when she stepped out the door.

Winter heard her phone rang. She lazily stretched her arm to grab the phone on the bedside table. It was Ning who's calling.

Something from her peripheral vision caught her attention. She saw a familiar key on the table, the duplicate to her apartment door. She picked it up and answered the phone call.


"Dude, what's up? How are you?"

"I..... uh, not good? How about you?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm currently driving back to Seoul. Is Minju still there?"

Winter clenched her hand with the key in it. "Nope. She left an hour ago."

"Oh. So, what happened?"

"It's over, dude," said Winter, sighing. "She already returned the key to me."

"Oh. Is she going away again?"

"It could be something like that. She said we should stay away from each other for now."

"Honestly, I was afraid that she'd do that."

"I wish I could do something about it but she already made up her mind."

"I may not like it that way but I think you guys did the right thing."

"You do?" Winter felt glad hearing that. At least she knows that there is another person who thinks that they've done the right thing.

"Yeah. It might not be that obvious but I can see that you are both having a hard time around each other. At least after this, she can now focus on Minho completely without thinking of your unofficial past."

"I'm sad, yes, but I have to admit that it kinda felt light at the same time because of it, said Winter, smiling a little now.

"I'm glad to hear that from you, dude. I'm worried that you'll go through another recovery process again because of her."

"Nah, that won't happen anymore. I'm sorry, dude."

"Huh? For?

"For bothering you so much because I was so low-spirited when she left before."

"Nah, don't mention it. What friends are for, right?"

"And I'm sorry that our friendship was badly affected because of what happened between Minju and me."

"Psh. Come on, don't worry. I believe that time can heal both of you. It might not be today or tomorrow, but it will happen soon. You two are going to get back together as friends and our trio will be completed in no time, okay?"

The optimism brought joy to Winter. "I hope so, Ning."

"It will happen soon, believe me. Let her focus to Minho for now and you should focus on Karina too."

Winter was jolted back to her senses after hearing that name. Karina's sweet smile suddenly crossed her mind. Winter may not have realized it right away but Karina is the person who made her feel whole again after Minju.

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