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"She called in sick today," said Giselle.

Winter slumped her shoulders, sighing. She can't take her eyes away from Karina's empty table. "Do you think she's okay now?"

"I don't know. She just said she's not in the mood to go to work today."

"Have you told her about what we've talked last night?"

"Nope; not yet. It's your job now to tell her that, not me, 'honey' " said Giselle, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh..." Winter scratched her nape, feeling shy and guilty.

"Do it today or else I'll kill you for making my friend cry, okay?"

"I will, I will. I don't have plans of prolonging this either. After last night all I wanted to do is just to straighten up things with her."

"But I think you've got to be a little tough. Expect that she would resent you at first, or maybe push you away. It's a normal defense mechanism of a person who's hurt," said Giselle.

Winter puffed her cheeks and blew air from her mouth. "You're right. I'll take note of that." She glanced at her wristwatch and noticed that it's only after lunch. "I'll go to her house later. I should go back to work now," she said, walking away.



Giselle got up from her chair. "This is the first time I'd seen Karina really got swept off her feet, so please, please take care of her, okay? I'm entrusting her to you because I know she'll be in safe hands."

Winter smiled. "Thanks, Giselle. I promise that I will take care of her."

"You better be, or else..." Giselle didn't finish her sentence but she made a throat cut signal with her hand.

Winter chuckled. "I'll remember that."


Winter pulled her car over onto the side of the road in front of Karina's house.

She rolled down her window about halfway to better see if someone's inside.

I wonder if she's home. Should I ring the doorbell? But what if her mom sees me?

Winter grabbed her phone instead. She exhaled before dialing Karina's number.

Brr.. brr.. brr..

It took a few more rings before someone answered. "Hello?"

Winter heard small sniffs on the line. "Uh, Karina?"

"Yeah, what?"

"Uh, are you at home? You didn't come to work today."

"I was not feeling well."

"Oh. So.. you're just home?"

"Yeah, why?"

Winter felt a little nervous knowing that Karina is just a few meters away from her. "Is your mom in there too?"

"Nope, she's still at work. Why do you keep asking me things?"

"I-I'm here in front of your house..."


Before Winter could response she heard Karina move, as if getting up from a chair or bed, then the sound of her footsteps followed. Eventually, Winter saw her peeking through the window. Winter fully rolled down her window and waved a hand.

"What are you doing here?"

"Uh, visiting you?"

"I don't need visitors now, Winter."

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