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So, she likes Winter. Ugh. Isn't it too fast? She just met Winter today, just this afternoon. She couldn't be in love, right?

Karina is currently lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling, fiddling her hands on her tummy. What Somi told her earlier made her feel anxious.

It's your entire fault, Winter! She screamed in her head while punching through the air. You've just turned Somi to be your newest fan girl because you're so flirty! Ugh! Stupid Winter! Stupid!

Karina turned aside to check on her phone. Why isn't she texting me? Is she busy? Doesn't she miss talking to me?

She groped for a pillow and hid her head under it.

Uhh. I'm going crazy.


The next day, Karina found Somi already in the office when she got in. She can't deny that this intern is a good one. Her chances of passing is really high.

"Hi there," said Karina, turning on her PC.

"Morning, Ms. Karina."

"Wow, you look amazing today. Partying later?" asked Karina, noticing makeup on the intern's face that she has not been doing in the past few days.

 Partying later?" asked Karina, noticing makeup on the intern's face that she has not been doing in the past few days

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"Not really." Somi smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear. "I just want to feel pretty today."

"You are always pretty, dear. Don't worry."


Karina grabbed a wet tissue and poured a rubbing alcohol on it.

"Uh, Ms. Karina, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure." Karina started cleaning her table with wet tissue.

"By any chance, are you close friends with Winter?"

Karina's hand stopped. "W-we're friends, why?"

"I just want to know if she has a girlfriend..."

"The last time I checked, she's single," said Karina. She resumed cleaning her table. "But I'm not sure anymore. In case you're not aware, many women are just throwing themselves at her."

"Oh, is that so." Somi looked disappointed.

"You really like her?" Karina asked to re-assure, hoping that the answer would change.

Somi nodded shyly. "How about you, don't you think she's cute?"

"Uh, well, she is charming, yes."

"So, you like her too?"


"Ms. Karina..."


"You're blushing. Hihihi."

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