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"Hey, 'sup, Amazon?"

*W-what are you doing here?"

Karina was surprised. On the back of her head, she never thought that she'd be relieved to hear someone call her Amazon at the moment.

"I was about to ask you the same thing," said Winter, taking a sip from the bottle she's holding.

"Are you following me?"

"Excuse me, following you? I should be the one asking you that."

Realizing what Winter said, Karina played the handkerchief with her hands. "H-how long have you been here?"

"An hour ago, before you came running here like a lost child."

"Oh, I didn't notice you earlier."

Apparently, Winter was wearing a black hooded jacket and black Bermuda shorts, making her unnoticeable in the dark. "I figured that out, don't worry."

Karina didn't say anything. Her mind was flying. A minute ago, she was worried if Winter would be spending the night with Giselle- she's not sure why she's worried in the first place -- and now she feels relieved to see Winter just in front of her boozing on a liquor.

Without any warning, Winter gently threw a small towel on Karina's face, making the latter frown. "Dry yourself up, you're a mess."

Karina stared at the towel first, then to Winter. Being nice to me, huh?

"Don't worry. I haven't use that one yet, princess."

"Ooh.. Thanks.." Karina couldn't understand why the endearment sounded sweeter this time. "So, what are you doing here alone?"

"Just thinking about some random stuff. You?"

"I was on the phone with my mom before it rained."


"I, uh, I thought you were gonna be with Giselle tonight."

Winter gave her a confused look. "In your room?"


"What am I gonna do in your room then?"

"Well... You know, Giselle giving you a real hickey?"

Winter was about to drink from the bottle but she stopped. "Seriously? Do you really think I'd do that?"

Karina nodded. She lied.

"What? Are you kidding me? I won't do something like that, at least not with a random person," said Winter, slightly panicking.

"Well... I thought you and Giselle were.."

"We're what?"

"I don't know... Flirting?"

Winter burst out laughing. "C'mon, Karina, seriously? Do you really think of me like that?"

Karina nodded hesitantly. "W-weren't you?"

"Karina, the last time I checked, the term being nice' is not synonymous with 'flirting!"

"You can't blame me," said Karina, scratching her itchy arm. "You're too nice to Giselle, well, to all your fan girls actually. I thought you're just playing with everyone."

"Well, can't I be nice to people who are nice to me too?"

Karina pouted her lips, mentally agreeing to what Winter is trying to point out.

"I guess you could say that." She sat on the table with her back facing Winter.



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