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I can't believe it, she's really here!

Winter was discreetly peeking from the door entrance. From her view in the hallway, she can see Karina's back clearly. She pulled away her sleeve to I at her wristwatch.

It's only 7:07, I wonder, what time did she arrived?

She peeked through the door again, observing Karina's every movement. Karina is currently browsing something on the internet. She's wearing a black blouse and her hair isn't tied today.

Sigh. I think I can do this all day without complain, even just looking at her back, observing her like this.

Karina moved to her left to check on something. Winter immediately hid beside the door, afraid that she'll get caught peeking.

What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I hiding? We're supposed to have breakfast today that's why we're here early!

After few seconds she peeked again. Karina's now browsing something. Winter raised her wrist.

Tsk. It's already 7:11. I'll be dead if she won't see me by 7:15.

She entered the door slowly, tiptoeing. Although that she knows her snickers won't make any annoying sound on the carpeted floor she's still afraid to create anything that could catch Karina's attention. The idea of being alone with Karina today somehow frightens her. She'd love to spend time with Karina, of course, but she doesn't know how to start a conversation.

"And what do you think you're doing?" Karina's irritated tone echoed on the floor.

Winter turned nervously and saw Karina's grumpy expression. "Uhh... Hi?"

"Didn't occur to you that I can hear every movement you make? It's just the two of us here."

"Uh.. yeah.. well.."

"It's almost 7:15 now, how long are you planning to make me wait?"

"Uhh... I'm just dropping my things in my station."

"Make it quick."

"Yes, Ma'am." Winter hurried to her department.


The pantry looks more vibrant today because no one is there yet to disturbed their little date. Winter is still feeling awkward about the idea she had yesterday regarding Karina's mysterious chat mate.

On the other hand, Karina wasn't also acting herself today. She's excited to go to the office - yes - - however, but she doesn't know why she feels nervous at the same time.

They settled one of the tables and sat down facing each other.

"Hmm. What did you bring today?" asked Winter, curiously looking at the lunchbox in front of her.

"My mom prepared Kimchi fried rice and Khao Khai Chiao," Karina said, opening the covers. Truth is she requested her mom to cook that. She lied and told her mom that their will be a potluck breakfast in the office.

"Wow! I'm so famished now, Rin!" Winter's hyper action swayed the awkwardness away between the two of them.

"I'm hungry too. I hope you'll like it."

Winter scooped spoon full of Kimchi fried rice. She raised her eyebrows after a bite. "Hmm.. this is good! Your mom surely knows how to cook."

"Now, that's what you call a real breakfast, Winter." said Karina, feeling victorious seeing Winter enjoying the food.

"How about you, Rin, you cook?"

Karina shook her head and started eating. "Nah, I was never a fan of recipe books."

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